Richy Rich! Look at him!

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I seriously couldn't believe that Hawks would play tag with me this obviously. Not only that but he let me fly as much as I wanted but it was enough to fly shortly since my wings were soo not powerful enough for anthing at all.

Me: Hahaha, this was fun.

Hawks: Sure was and you know what?

Me: Hm?

Hawks: A smile suits you better.

He may be right but there was still the chance he was just doing this because he felt pity for me. I mean he was a full fledged hero after all. Stull this was a lot better than what I thought about doing. Living alone was not that easy. I knew about life better than anyone else and if he was offering me a better one then I would for sure fake it. He was a hero, so he wouldn't harm me and even tho I was up against it first, the more I started thinking about it, it sounded a lot better.

Then again, I could just run away any time if I needed it.

Hawks: You done playing?

Me: Mh!

Hawks: Cool, then let me just grab us something to eat and we are good to go to your new home.

I wonder if I will regret this later.

I mean he is a hero.

He wouldn't do anything bad at me and even then, I can use my quirk and get away for sure.

I don't want to use it but living on the streets is no option either.

I also have to go to work... scratch that!

I have to find a new job till I can support myself and then get a new home.

For the time being this sounds like a good idea...


Seems like there is nothing I can really do otherwise.

Let's just hope this is not the wrong choice.

As the chicken said, we grabbed some food and shortly started heading off to a place where there would only be luxury homes. At first I thought he would live like right where his hero agency was but I was more than just wrong about that. Now only did we walk to a house that was quite big and spacious, we also ended up in a place where soo many heroes were living.

Me: Ahm Keigo, can I ask you something?

Hawks: Sure.

Me: Is it safe here?

Hawks: Yes, why shouldn't it be feathers?

Oh I don't know...

How about a neighbourhood with heroes being a perfect silver plate for villains?


Are they not attacking this place at all or something?

Me: Just a thought,

Hawks: Nah, nothing is happening around here ever.

Me: ... I see.

So you wanna tell me that the villains don't attack this place cause they are either scared or they know better but I still thought some stupid idiots would try it.

Hawks: Really! Don't worry about it. Most of the people living in this street have this street on their routine twice at least you know coming and going. So no one can really come here and try something funny.

Me: Oh...

That does make sense...

I mean this is a small litte space but over like 40 something houses around and then them all actually going in and out... alright. Makes sense.

Hawks: Come in. Welcome to my house.

The moment he opened up the door and let us in, I saw hos spacious this whole place was. It was made so he could fly around and now I could totally understand why the place was this big. Still it did seem a bit too much.

Hawks: Baffled?

Me: A bit.

Hawks: Let's go in first.

After he said that we both really got in and the first thing that I saw and went closer to that giant aquarium which was basically a wall which was right between the living room and what looks like the dining room.

Hawks: You like fishes?

Me: I never seen something like this before.

Hawks: I get that but you know after controlling the air, I wanted something a bit different.

Me: I see.

Hawk: If you want a specific fi-

Me: Wait! Is that mini shark?

Hawks: Yup.

This shark quite flashed me but these small fishes all looked soo in sync and in harmony that it was beautiful to watch. He could have put me here and I was quite sure that I could have starred into this tank for the rest of the day watching the fishes move around. He also had quite a lot of them as well. 

This is just crazy!

A fish tank, this big and then there is a mini shark?!


How rich is this man?

Don't worry! Brother got your back! (Hawk's sister story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora