The Prelude

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Part 3

The Prelude

"So... How would you like to start this?" Singto asked calmly as he sat cross-legged in front of Krist, Krist's body facing him the same way, but his eyes were still avoiding any confrontation by Singto.

How do I want to start this? Me?

How about running away? How's that for a start?

"I guess, I we have to... uhm... be closer." Krist said quietly as he watched Singto nod and scoot a bit forward, closing the space between them into mere inches apart from each other.

Krist stared at Singto, his mind going in circles, his heart once again pounding against his chest, desperately searching for a way out of this.

He was still in disbelief as to why he even agreed to this.

This is crazy.

What am I doing?

But he couldn't back out now. There was no way Krist would admit to Singto that he had to back out of his promise, that he simply couldn' it.

Nope, he was going through with this, as promised.

Fuck, Im soooo gonna regret this later.

Krist could not admit it aloud, but he knew he was beginning to feel more and more aware of his best friend. The way Singto bit his plump bottom lip as he looked at him, the way he fiddled with his long slim fingers, even the way his face was slightly titled to the side, making him much more adorable-looking than what was healthy to Krist's heart. 

Krist was suddenly very much aware of everything and a little bit more.

For example, he suddenly noticed how it had gradually become dark outside and he hadn't turned on the light in the room, leaving them in almost pitch darkness, small dim light coming from the street lights outside.

Why the hell is the light switch on the other side of the room?

Or how they were completely alone inside his bedroom.

We had just been here together like this last week, but tonight...everything feels different. More intimate.

The fact that they were alone inside his bedroom and were sitting on top of his bed was beginning to get to Krist more with every passing second. And affect him in ways he was not prepared for. He shouldn't have felt like that...especially for his best friend. But then, he was, and he was completely and utterly helpless about it.

Singto was getting to him. And he didn't have the heart to stop him. He simply didn't want to.

Krist had been teasing Singto before, countless times they had been playful with each other in various ways, but this was entirely different situation and feeling than those petty teasings they mischievously threw at each other.

Suddenly, as if on cue to break the ever-building pressure and Krist's nervous inner dilemma, Krist's manager shouted out from downstairs. "Hey! You guys okay up there?!" She bellowed, her slight intrusion became a welcoming pause from a tension-filled atmosphere between the two best friends. 

"Yeah! We're just watching porn!" Krist quirkily replied with a mischievous grin which had Singto sending playful looks towards him in silence, raising his eyebrow. 

Like magic, the awkward tension between them had disappeared. 

Ignoring Krist's lewd comment, Krist's manager continued to yell, "P'Sing, honey, would you do me a favor and bitch-slap Krist for me?"

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