Chapter 10: Decisions

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Old fingers carefully traced a box of photos, Chariot would coo as she grabbed one out. "Oh would you look at this one? Why you must have barely been able to comprehend what was going with how small you are!"

A smile would likewise appear on your face as you looked at the old photo of you with your many siblings, ordered from tallest to smallest. "Why I do, even if it must be faint." Your hand carefully caressed the picture. "Looking back, it reminds me of how much I love them. How much I miss them now."

"As do I," Chariot carefully took the photo back. "but they wouldn't want us to despair, not now when we are finally together again."

A joyful gasp left Chariot. "Do you remember this one?" She showed a crude drawing a child you had made. "It was so cute, sadly Olga-"

"Said it looked like a pig," You fake pouted. "that girl never had an eye for art anyways."

Chariot chuckled while she put the drawing down. "I am glad you never got rid of that stubbornness of yours, I bet it helped a great lot in coming here."

"And then some." You laughed back.

Standing up Chariot motioned you to follow. "I'm truly glad, and if your father could see you he'd be proud." The two of you stopped nearby a large ornate box, as Chariot would stroke your cheek. "You've grown into such a fine adult, as beautiful as your mother."

You had to hold back some tears. "Thank you grandmama."

She wiped away a tear. "Stand here dear, for it is time for you to reclaim your true lot in life." Chariot would open the box, presenting an impressive crown before placing it on your head. A perfect fit. "My dear child, Ruler of all Russia."

Your form would be shown to a nearby mirror, you didn't even need the crown to look at yourself and know - that you were where you belonged.

"It's so wonderful..."

"It truly is," Chariot hugged you tight from behind. "now...why don't you go to the maids and let them dress you like a true royal? I insist upon it!"

You chuckled. "Of course grandma, I'll try not to upstage your beauty...too much."

Chariot could only laugh as she waved you away, soon escorted away by a small cabal of maids. Once you were gone she would head to a room on the other end of yours, her small smile remaining even as she entered and saw Hannah waiting for her.

As expected.

Hannah sat opposite of Chariot at her desk once the latter sat down, she slowly placed a small box between them. "I have to admit miss England, you are full of pleasant surprises. And for my earlier behavior I want to apologize."

"It's fine." Hannah said, having a hard time keeping eye contact.

Chariot opened her mouth for a moment only to close it just as soon. "I understand, you are a woman of business after all. And I shall not waste your time anymore." She opened the box, presenting vast amounts of bills of money. "The reward for finding my grandchild and returning them safely - all yours to do with as you please."

As the box was put on Hannah's side of the table however Hannah shoved it away, the box closing in the process. "Keep it, I'm only here to...say my goodbyes." Her voice had almost turned deathly quiet, Chariot's surprise growing by the moment as Hannah stood up and tried to leave.

"You must excuse me but...may I wonder why you would refuse such a reward? Even better people would take this reward, especially after the genuine good you did."

Hannah looked over her shoulder. "I'm not better, or even good for that matter."

"Then you would have taken the reward and some of my possessions for that matter." A small smirk appeared on Chariot's face, widening as Hannah rigidly looked away.

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now