Chapter 2: The Romanov

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Following Akko's instructions you soon found yourself in front of an imposing yet grand palace, its decay shielding what must have once been a symbol of wealth and power to the people. Now barely looked at as wooden planks covered most of the structure, almost warning you not to go further.

Still, you needed a way out of this country. And this was the best way to find the woman that could help you with that, holding tight onto your bag you sucked in a breath. "Well, here goes nothing."

Approaching one of the boarded entrances you were surprised when it was pretty easy to pull them off, and not because they had rotted that much. More like someone didn't bother to close it up secure and tight, whether out of laziness or to explicitly make it easier to go in and out.

Regardless you would enter the dark building, the walls going up for miles making the ceiling almost impossibly to see were it not for natural light streaming through the tall windows and into the halls.

"Hello? I'm looking for someone by the name of Hannah!" You shouted into the void, your voice echoing enough to wake up Diana from her sleep. Who opted to jump out of the bag and walk alongside you, curiosity in her eyes.

You continued on as you heard no response, slowing down as you came across tables filled with dusty art and antique work. "Something about this place..." You started, caressing one of the vases. "It's oddly familiar to me, like a memory from a dream..."

Diana's distant meow broke you out of your moment, catching up to her and going back into another moment as you arrived at a grand hall, windows seemingly everywhere while paintings looked down from above. A staircase seemingly inviting you towards the finely tiled floor for

You didn't know how you knew that this place was for dancing, just that you did. Carefully stepping down and jumping off when you came to the last few. A laugh left your lips at the action, as if it was something your mind just convinced you to be fun. And it was!

On the floor it didn't take you long before you started to dance, humming a tune you remembered since everything else while pretending...or even dreaming that you were dressed in clothes belonging to nobility - nay, royalty. Spinning along and taking the hands of people who wanted to dance with you. No matter how fake they were to anyone else as Diana curled up and watched you dance alone. Unaware of the painting with a child and a kitten with similar colors to her behind her back.

Your dancing reached an end as your imaginary partners made way for another figure, a man whose face you could not decipher no matter how much you tried. Just a confusing mess of lines, and yet there was an odd warmth building up within you as you continued looking at the tall figure. Again, like you knew him or even remembered.

He stretched out his hand, and as a smile found its way onto your face and you were about to take the man's hand you-

"Hey!" A catty voice yelled. "What are you doing here?!"

The man alongside all the other figures disappeared within an instant, you turned with big eyes towards the other end of the hall. Where two women looked at you with glares, your fight or flight mechanism set in as you tried to make a run back to how you entered.

From behind you however you could hear two pairs of feet chasing after you. "Slow down! Look if you think we want to hurt you we don't! A voice different from the other said.

"So long as they aren't here to be a problem." The first hissed.

You heard her let out a groan, like someone punched her on the side. Most presumably the second voice as they soon called them out. "Hannah!"


You stopped, much to the relief of your two chasers as they stopped in front of you just as you turned.

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now