Chapter 6: Pari holds the key to your Heart

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"Grandmama you must believe me when I say it's me - your long-lost relative!" A woman as overdramatic as her tone was fake yelled as she was dragged away from the well-furnished room.

An old Chariot pressed a hand to her temple. "Croix, can you please escort this lady out?"

"Already on it." A greying yet purple-haired woman responded. "Alright idiot number-too-many. Out!"

"Idiot?! How dare you call the lost Romanov that you-" The door was shut by Jasminka before the imposter could finish.

On cue a loud sigh would leave Chariot. "Oh Jasminka, I can't take this much longer."

"I'm so sorry miss Du Nord, I really thought this could have been the one!" The plump woman was quick to join Chariot on the couch. "I know it can be tiring, but I'm confident they will be found sooner or later!"

"Perhaps not, frankly I've lost the hope in these past few years." Chariot would take off her glasses. "I'm afraid my little grandchild will never be found again."

Jasminka gasped. "Don't say such things! You don't know that!"

"Don't I? It has been more than ten years with nothing but impostors trying to take advantage of me because of my age." She'd stand up. "It has sickened me to my core, I'm stopping the search and returning to spending my twilight years in peace...without the one I loved so much."

"Miss Du Nord..." Jasminka would try to reach out, only to stop. Her attention quickly turned to stress eating to get her mind off this terrible revelation. "Oh dear...can't your mind be changed?"

Chariot gave a strained small smile. "I appreciate your kindness and concern Jasminka, you have been a dear since you escaped Russia and integrated yourself into my little circle of exiles and old nobility. But I'm afraid that going much further would affect my health worse than it already has."

"I understand, but still. To all have this be for nothing?"

"Don't blame yourself dear." Chariot would put a comforting hand on Jasminka's shoulder. "We all did what we could do, but no one can make something out of nothing."

Jasminka smiled, offering the food she was eating to Chariot who graciously accepted. "Thank you miss, I only wish I could pay for your kindness. Or meet the wonderful person to be so close to you."

"So did I, but let us stop dwelling on the past. Now," Standing up from the couch Chariot urged Jasminka to follow. "we have better things to do now that my schedule is cleared up, and if my ears still work weren't you going to meet a past lover of yours?"

The grin on Chariot's face made Jasminka gasp with joy. "Oh yes! P-Please excuse me!"

"No worries," Chariot waved away, her smile turning into a grimace as she watched Jasminka speed out. "at least she still has someone close to her coming out of Russia..."


"Wow." You gasped as your eyes met the skyline of Paris, the city immediately amazing you with an environment you had never seen before. "So this is Paris?"

"It sure is! And you haven't even seen the tip of it." Barbara exclaimed, just as excited if not more.

"Well I can't wait to see it all." You responded, letting out a noise as you felt a hand pull you back. The owner of that hand being Hannah.

"But before we do that shouldn't we first get acquainted with someone's certain lover? Getting an audience with your grandma should be priority first and foremost." She'd send you a wink, one you couldn't help but smile at.

A laugh left Barbara. "Aha but there you are wrong Hannah. Cause I've already been making us walk to my beloved's home!" She jumped in front of a quaint yet rich-looking house, looking even more excited than before to enter it.

Con Woman Hannah England x Lost Royal Reader: RomanovWhere stories live. Discover now