Nine <333

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A/N: I've never been in an airport before so laugh at my immense lack of knowledge on how anything there works LOL


Walking into the airport was like slow motion, none of us wanted to be here, none of us wanted to leave, none of us wanted to say goodbye. It wasn't forever but it felt like our lives we got so accustomed to was coming to an abrupt end. Although I missed the comfort of my small apartment and couldn't wait to be in my bed again and go back to making videos I really didn't want to leave my friends...

We all sat down and waited for our flight number to be called...John, Max, Jamie, Nelson, & Chris were joking around and goofing off as usual I smiled at their ability to make such a bitter moment sweet. Jaren on the other hand sat beside me staring in and out of space each time seeming as though he'd like to  speak but lacking the courage to do so. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled this made him jump..he was spaced out again. But he smiled back a me.

"Octavia is going to go NUTS when you get home" I said giggling at my own comment causing him to chuckle

"No kidding, I miss her so much" he laughed shaking his head

"Aww, I'd love to meet her some day..I bet she's the sweetest" I stick my bottom lip out pouting at the thought of not seeing her soon enough

"She is..she'd love you" He smiles

John and Nelson both stood a few feet away from Jaren and I, suitcase by Nelson's side. They were watching us from a far and planning on how the hell they'd get the both of us together being in two different countries. Nelson groaned and cross his arms

"We can't really do much but trap then in discord calls together" Nelson rolled his eyes hopelessly

"Well yeah..don't you live 30 mins from Y/N?" John asked looking over at Nelson an idea brewing

"40 but yea..why?" Nelson asked raising an brow

"Same thing... what if you make him jealous!" John said smirking

"Jealous?" Nelson now completely lost

"Yeah jealous!" John says as if what he said made the most sense

"Right..and how exactly?" Nelson chuckles

"Well look at him" John points at Jaren spacing out and Nelson gaze follows "that boy has love sick written all over him, like some cliche airport scene from a hallmark movie" He adds and Nelson wheezes

"Okay, and what do you suggest?" Nelson rolls his eyes

"You go over to Y/N's house whenever they plan a session together "crash" it by waltzing in every now and then" John says feeling like an absolute genius

"Uhm..1. How the hell would that make him jealous and 2. Crashing a recording session? That seems a bit much I don't know" Nelson shakes his head not really interested in the genius plan

"Okay maybe crashing the sessions is too much yeah.. but you could still go over and convince Y/N to face time him and be in the background? He'd be jealous at the thought you're there and he isn't" John says back tracking a bit but still being persistent on this plan

"Okay..but is Jaren even the type to get jealous over that?" Nelson nods and John looks at him like he lost his head

"As Jaren's#1 best friend trust me when I say he'd get jealous" John shakes his head and somehow convinces Nelson to partake in this mess, it took Nelson a second but finally caught on to John saying he was Jaren's#1 best friend and they started "arguing" over who's closer. Moving back to Jaren and I, Jaren started to talk a bit more realizing that silence probably wasn't the best goodbye.. we talked about Octavia and how much a good girl she was, we talked about videos ideas we'd make when we all get home, we even talked about how scary John and Nelson looked whispering to each-other before laughing at their sudden argument.

Just as Jaren was building his courage to say what was on his mind the next words that filled the air begging to be heard over the ruckus of rushing families, business men/women, excited teens, and crying children rung in his ears like hearing those life changing lyrics in your favorite song.

"Flight 421 at gate 4"

The stereos sang repeating 2 more times before calling for the next plane. I looked down at my ticket to see that 421 was indeed my flight, I bit my bottom lip and looked over at Jaren and lifted the ticket.

"That's my flight" I said smiling seeing his face drop for a second before trying to mask it with a fake smile

"Oh, well you better go catch your flight" He said pushing a hand through his hair

"Yeah.." I said a little upset with his lack of words but didn't think too deep in it seeing how we'll end up calling each-other after our flights anyways..but it's not the same as seeing him in person. "Bye" I said standing up grabbing my suitcase and giving him a small wave

"Bye.." Jaren said standing up as well we stared at each-other for a minute before I sighed and walked away..I was hoping for at the least a hug...or more? No,no just a hug. I was a good maybe 2 feet away from him when I felt tears building up, I shook my head and ignored those feelings that was until my body came to a hard stop when I heard exactly what I was hoping for.

"Y/N!" Jaren yelled running towards me I turned around staring at the boy coming right for me and before I knew it our bodies were connected his arms wrapped around me tightly refusing to let go. I stood there for a second then forced my arms up hugging him back. "Have a safe flight okay?" He said mumbling into my hair

"I can't really control the pilot" I said chuckling and I felt him release a shaky laugh

" me when you get home" he said rephrasing and I nodded breaking up the hug no matter how bad I really didn't want to

"I will, but now I'm actually running late and need to hurry to catch my flight" I said laughing and his eyes widened before blushing in embarrassment

"Jesus Y/N you're so clingy running after me for a hug I realize the affect I have on people but this is just flattering, go catch your flight!" Jaren rolled his eyes smirking I shook my head glaring at him then turned around running off waving back.

The flight was okay I don't remember much of it considering I slept the entire time and yet when I got home I was still exhausted. I stumbled into my apartment and dropped my suitcase by the door closing it with my foot and sluggishly walking towards my bedroom. I threw myself on the bed and let out a satisfying groan too tired to think or do anything else.

"Im just going to take a little nap..yeah" Were the last words I mumbled before completely passing out for the rest of the night. Ignoring all responsibilities and enjoying my time finally back in the comfort of my home.

A/N: sorry for the really short chapter I just really wanted to get this one out and posted 😅

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