Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    Shen Yu clicked on the message, it was the result of Gu Jiye's investigation.

    I don't know if it's because the detective is not good, or if Gu Jiye is really as clean as the result shows.

    "Chen Mo, how much do you know about Gu Jiye?" Shen Yu put down her phone and planned to ask her friend.

    Although Chen Mo's family background is average, he is very popular in the wealthy circle and knows a lot of gossip.

    "Gentle and elegant, a son of a rich family, with a deep love for his wife and husband, he is a model A of the wealthy circle." Chen Mo flipped through the resume of the person who will be interviewed tomorrow, and suddenly asked, "Why did you remember to ask him? Your uncle, your wife I understand it best."

    "It is inevitable that there will be bias among relatives. The Gu family also owns the entertainment industry, and they will be competitors in the future. I want to know more. All aspects." Shen Yu found an excuse to prevaricate, she would not To poke Gu Qingjiu's scar.

    As soon as she heard that it was related to business, Chen Mo got excited, and she talked like pouring beans.

    The old-fashioned story of the phoenix man flying up to the branches. Gu's father is the son-in-law who married in. At that time, Gu's group was not surnamed Gu. Before he got married, he got together with Qingmei, and later married Gu Qingjiu's mother. Gu Qingjiu was born in the second year of their marriage. When Gu's mother gave birth The body suffered huge damage, and Gu Qing passed away when he was nine or five years old.

    Gu's mother is an orphan of a wealthy family, and there is no one in the family. Before the first seven days, Gu's father took Gu Jiye, who was two years older than Gu Qingjiu, back home, and then changed the group's surname.

    The young man did not grow up to be a wealthy second generation, he was admitted to a higher education institution all the way, and worked in the Gu Corporation after graduation, and even married Qingmei from his own orphanage. Always attend various activities to show affection.

    At Gu Qingjiu's wedding ceremony, he gave a tearful speech, playing the role of a perfect elder brother. It even made the world forget his stepbrother's identity.

    From every aspect, Gu Jiye's character design is perfect. Perfect son, perfect husband and even a perfect brother.

    "This person, more or less must have some problems, that's the person." Chen Mo shook the coffee in his hand, "It's not that I'm dark, if a person has no shortcomings, then what is he doing in this world? To save all living beings? So , I think Gu Jiye's shiny skin is not necessarily dirty."

    Shen Yu agreed with her. No one is perfect, Gu Jiye's brilliance is shown off, what kind of inner life does the good-looking appearance cover?

    She was more concerned about why Gu Qingjiu's passionate period was triggered when he went to the small apartment that day.

    Could it be that he has been abusing Gu Qingjiu all the time, or that his arrival reminded Gu Qingjiu of some memories that he didn't want to recall, which led to the outbreak of passion?

    "I also know that Gu Jiye didn't fully mark his wife. You know that a fully marked partner will have the other's wink in their pupils.

    O's gray eyes will have A's gold, and A's golden eyes will have O's gray. This is called Fusion." Chen Mo took a sip of his coffee, "I think, their husband and wife must not be as close as they seem."

    "His business seems to be doing well."

    "Yeah. His classmates are all from famous families, he There are also many contacts in the political circle. This kid will be a strong opponent in the future." Chen Mo smacked his lips, as if her company had jumped into the circle that could compete with Gu's.

After wearing a book, the wimpy A rose upजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें