Reunion Part 1

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(Ben and Nora wake up on a road; they slowly get up and they're very confused. Ben checks he's phone for the time)

Nora: Where are we?

Ben: I think we're on another Earth.

Nora: How do you know?

Ben: The signal on my phone is acting weird.

(Nora checks her phone)

Nora: You're right. Different Earth, different frequency, different... everything.

Ben: Can you open a breach?

Nora: Do you really have to ask.

Ben: Yeah, that was a really dumb question.

(Nora runs around at super-speed in a circle. but nothing happens)

Nora: What the hell?

Ben: What?

Nora: I-I can't open a breach.

Ben: Let me try.

(Ben turns into Full Stop, he opens a breach, but then nothing happens)

Ben: Ok... so I'm either doing this wrong or the Monitor wants us to stay.

Nora: If everything you said about the Monitor is true, he has the power to trap us on another Earth.

Ben: Déjà vu, I'm trapped on another Earth. Again.

Nora: I'm sorry Ben.

Ben: You have nothing to apologize for.

Nora: Ok, ok. First rule of multiversal travel: get to know the area. Then we look for someone or something that can help us get home.


Nora: Ben?


Nora: Ben!

Ben: What? Sorry I zoned out.

Nora: What's on your mind?

Ben: I was thinking about what the Monitor said. He said he was testing us. I'm guessing when we complete the test-

Nora: We go back home.

Ben: Yeah. And the test has something to do with Charmcaster.

Nora: That's not the only thing you were thinking of. Were you?

Ben: The Monitor also said he was testing other hero's, besides us.

Nora: Who else could he be testing?

Ben: I don't know. But I think Oliver might be right me of them.

Nora: What makes you say that?

Ben: A few weeks ago, I went to go see Oliver for our weekly training sessions. He wasn't there and even Felicity didn't know where he went.

Nora: You think the Monitor put him in a test like us?

Ben: It makes sense. Because last year when we were dealing with John Deegen, Oliver made a deal with the Monitor to save Barry and Kara's lives. Oliver never told me what he gave to him, but if I were a betting man, I would say the Monitor came to collect.

Nora: I am loving all of the theories you're making, but shouldn't we-

Ben: Look around. You're right.

Nora: Aren't I always?

Ben: (laughs) Don't push it.

(Ben and Nora walk down the road when they see a sign)

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