Jealous Wars - K. HR x Reader

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It made me a bit jealous.

Dani then started poking and tickling Haerin. She kept cutely laughing while I felt my blood boil.

"They're probably back together," I thought to myself trying not to be jealous.

- Haerin POV -

Nakyoung and Y/n unnie were seating with us flirting and everything. It made jealous.

I got up to seat a bit closer to Y/n unnie hoping they'd stop but it just got worse.

Nakyoung unnie then seemed to cuddle into Y/n unnie and I felt my jealousy getting worse, so I leaned into Dani unnie for comfort.

Dani and all the girls know I have a crush on Y/n unnie. Dani unnie was comforting me knowing I was probably jealous. She started tickling me to make laugh and it honestly did make me feel a little better.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!" Hanni unnie said as she came out of her room.

"Can we come?" Dani unnie asked as she held my hand.

"Sure!" Hanni unnie answered.

We all went to go eat at a BBQ then went to a Café.

"Why did you ask if we could come?" I asked Dani unnie as we walked behind the girls.

"I didn't want Hanni unnie to feel like a 3rd wheel," She answered me.

"Plus, you really like her. I'm sure you don't want them getting even closer and having you here probably makes Y/n question her feeling for Nakyoung unnie," Dani unnie explained.

I sighed feeling jealous the entire time, watching as Y/n unnie and Nakyoung unnie held hands.

We eventually made it to the Han River and we sat on the grass. Nakyoung unnie was laying down on the grass using Y/n unnie as a pillow.

It was a bit chilly so I huddled up next to Dani unnie. She put her arm around me to keep me warm.

"Booo! No PDA!" Y/n unnie then randomly said to us.

"Is she jealous?" I asked myself giving her a look.

I nuzzle my head into Dani unnie's neck wanting her comfort.

"Get a room!" She yelled again.

"They're not dating," Hanni unnie told her and I nodded in agreement.

"Ohh... still," Y/n unnie awkwardly said.

Y/n unnie then started poking Nakyoung unnie's face and flirting with her. I looked at them for a moment and Y/n unnie gave me a smug look.

"Ohh you are jealous," I thought to myself.

"She jealous isn't she?" Dani unnie asked.

"If you want to make her jealous back, I don't mind helping you" She said with a mischievous smile.

"Ummm, okay" I answered her after thinking about it a little.

Dani unnie then pulled me into her arms and kissed my cheek.

"Are you sure they're not dating?" We heard Y/n unnie ask Hanni unnie.

"Popo!" Nakyoung unnie said to y/n unnie as she pointed at her cheek.

Y/n unnie then kissed her cheek and I sighed in frustration.

"I'm starting to feel like a 5th wheel!" Hanni unnie said her feelings out loud.

Y/n unnie suddenly kissed her cheek and Hanni unnie screamed.

"You seem to want a kiss too!" Y/n unnie teased her.

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