Chapter 21: My dad

Start from the beginning

Cooper settles the paper and claps his hand together. "You have major potential, you just need a little push."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"For starters you need to be more active, engage with your fans."

Got it! be more active, don't pull away. "I assume you want the BoHo Co. deal?"

"How did you-"

"I've gotten many requests lately because of this deal. But you Ms.Waldorf stood out the most." Cooper lifts from his seat. "This industry is cut throat. The weak don't survive. That's why I choose you to have this meeting with. I know you won't cry whenever you get rejected, you'll try even harder."

Cooper takes a seat and my heart begins to pound loud enough for him to hear. "With that being said I want to be your agent."

I sigh of relief and jump up shaking Cooper's hand eagerly and fast. Thank you so much." Cooper nods to the rapid shake of his hand and I quickly let go.

I mouth a Sorry and Cooper speaks again. "Only on one condition. I want to see progress from you in a month. Build your platform and land this deal. If you mess up I will drop you."

I swallow hard and nod.

"Guaranteed me I'm not making a mistake Ms.Waldorf."

"I will."


Stepping out of the building onto the hectic street I smile In joy. I just landed my first agent. I have to celebrate! I have to call-

"Hiding from me?" A deep husky voice says from behind me. I turn to find Ian leaning against his car in a black fitted short-sleeve shirt and black pants. Seriously, does he wake up looking hot?

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to see if your phone broke or you'd gone through some sort of cirrus preventing you from answering your phone." Ian has been calling and texting me nonstop over the days. Once I establish my plan I'd plan to call him back. It looks like he beat me to the punch on that one.

"How did you even find me? Sniff me out from the crowd?"

"I stalked you." Ian says without a hint of emotion.

"You know I can send you to jail for that right?"

"Will you send me a meal? Preferably you."

I roll my eyes. "It's rude to follow me around. I need me time."

"You've had enough me time." Ian says emblazoning the word me. "Now it's time for us to get back together."

"You can't just demand my time, you have to earn it."

Ian leans in, his lips grazing my ear. "If you insist, I have many ways I can earn it with you on a table, wall, couch, and whatever position you'd like."

I put my hand on his chest pushing him away. "You can't use sex to win this argument."

Ian's hand lands on my waist and he pulls me closer to him. "Argument? No Dutch? yes. Though either is fine by me you're hot when you're mad."

"I'm glad you find amusement in my anger." Ian obviously is ignoring me as he takes in my figure slowly before landing back on my eyes.

I know what that look means. "No"

"I could change your mind."

"This is your consequence for stalking me." I folded my arms. "You're not getting any."

Not even a kiss.

"I have someplace I want to take you."


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