[evil princess] Aoi x Reader

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You ducked behind the people wandering past you, rushing through the hallway and occasionally bumping into a struggler.

You were running, not for no reason. You were running from a long time friend of yours.

It was aoi, you were sure she would be okay without you for a while.

She's always glued to your side, ALWAYS. You can't even hang out with your friends anymore, as she always intervenes and steals your attention.

You just needed a break from her, not that you hated her or anything, but she can be a bit obnoxious occasionally.

You turned and sped into an empty classroom, your hair flowing behind you as you caught your breath, slamming your back against the chalkboard as you closed your eyes, resting one of your free hands over your heart as you attempted to calm your soul.

You were trying to reassure yourslef that she would forget about you, move on with the day and confeotnf you about your absence the next day.

Apparently, you thought wrong.


"Y/N, y/n! Oh no.."

Whispered aoi to herself, grasping the side of her uniform with her sweaty hands as she staggered through the halls.

Her initial thought was that you just got lost and ended up being somewhere else, but now she was really overthinking.

Did someone take you? Would they hurt you? Would they kill you? Or even worse...would they steal you away from her.

She became angry at the thought, and started stamping her way down the corridor of the old building, assuming that if someone were to take you somewhere to talk about romance, they would take you somewhere isolated so no one could eavesdrop.

"Oh no no no... My y/n."

She gasped under her breath to herself, ignoring the stared of concern she was getting by passing students.

She was freaking out, laying her hand against the rough wall next to her to calm her nerves, attempting to convince herslef you were probably okay and just lost.

After all, you were new. And she hadn't been the best guide, pretty much only trying to impress you with her talents. She had never really been vain before.. but around you..it was different. She couldn't help it. She loved you.

Just as she was about to continue herself, she heard a strange noise inside of one of the separate classrooms, one that no one except the student council was allowed in.

She exhaled, hoping it would be you she would find on the other side.

She pushed the door open, the creaking of the wood seemingly startling whoever was ont he other side, items being dropped as a familiar voice let out an intoxicating shout.

"Oh my god, y/n!"

Yelled out aoi in relief, her arms opening wide as she flung herslef at you, her deep purple hair flying out behind her as her arms enveloped you in a tight hug, her basically scooping your frame up in her arms and picking you up, and off of the floor.

She spun in circles with you, rubbing her face against yours as you both were snuggled tightly together.

"I missed you so much, love!"

She exclaimed excitedly, hearts basically pumping out of her eyes as she gave you one last snuggle before you pulled away.

"Aoi, I was only gone for five minutes."

She said, an exasperated tone lacing an angry one.

"Too long."

She said a little more darkly, expecting you to agree with her immediately.

"No, I need a break. It's only my second week and your already smothering me with affection. It's overwhelming.."

You confessed, causing her grip on your shoulders to tighten as her bones stiffened, her love-struck obsession completely over clouding her judgement as she began to yell.


She said, her voice loud as you flinched at her posessive tone, the words and expressions she was serving scared you, quite a bit.

"A-aoi, look i-"

"No.. y/n. You are not to leave my side ever again, not ever for the rest of your life."

She breathed, grabbing your hair and pulling your head forward, practically slammimg your foreheads together as her pissed eyes came in contact with yours.

"I've made up my mind, sweetheart. Why don't we fix your attitude?"

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+ Sorry aoi is so out of character

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