I Think I Love Her

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"Christina, wake up, dear." Miss Peregrine's soothing voice broke its way through the girl's nightmare.

Christina whimpered and slowly opened her eyes. She'd been reliving the death of her sister. Her eyes were threatening to spill tears.

"Crystal.." she murmured.

Miss Peregrine pulled the girl up into a hug and rubbed her back. "Tell me about it, darling."

"My sister.. The one I was telling you about. I..I was dreaming about her death." Christina buried her face in Miss Peregrine’s chest.

Miss Peregrine frowned, "I am terribly sorry, love. You have had to deal with so much death in your life.."

Christina gave a forced chuckle, "Everyone I love just dies. I need to leave."

Miss Peregrine’s eyes widened. "Leave?" She pulled the girl back so she could look at her.

"Yes, I'll just leave and live in the present time. That way I can't hurt anyone else that I love." Christina didn't look at the headmistress.

"Please do not go.." Miss Peregrine whispered.

"Why, because the children will miss me?"

"Because I will miss you."

Christina looked up at Miss Peregrine’s saddened face. "Why? I'm nothing special."

"But you are.." Miss Peregrine cupped the girl's cheek in her hand. "You are special to me, and I care for you deeply."

Christina blushed and averted her gaze with a grumble. "I'll think about it.."

Miss Peregrine gave a small smile and kissed her cheek. "Now, it is almost time for breakfast and I could use an extra hand." She leaned over and grabbed her pocket watch, she swore under her breath when she saw the time.

"Seven minutes behind schedule.." she looked back at Christina who was smirking at the woman.



"Oh, for bird's sake." She pushed the girl lightly before climbing off the bed with a smile. "Will you help me or no?" She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled her outfit out.

Christina hummed, "I suppose I can. I make some mean ass omelets."

Miss Peregrine laughed. It was a rather beautiful sound.

"I do not think the children have ever had an omelet. I am sure they would enjoy the change."

Christina stared at the woman as she changed her clothes. A blush was quickly reappearing.

"Polite persons do not stare, Kitten."

Christina let out an embarrassed squeak before faceplanting into a pillow.

Miss Peregrine finished dressing before strolling over to the girl. "Up." She leaned down and poked the girl's sides.

Christina squealed and rolled over, grabbing Miss Peregrine’s arm in the process and pulling her down. Right on top of her.

"Oh." Was all Miss Peregrine said as she stared into the girl's green orbs.

Christina stared back, open mouthed.

What have I done?! This is so embarrassing yet so..

Miss Peregrine’s gaze flickered down to Christina's lips.

Christina slowly leaned up, starting to close the distance. A knock at the door halted her movement.

Miss Peregrine quickly rose and went to the door.

Christina hopped up off the bed and walked briskly into the bathroom. She heard Miss Peregrine greet Miss Avocet as she closed the door.

Damn it all..

Christina went over to the sink and turned the water on. She cupped her hands and scooped up some water.

Was I really about to kiss her?

She leaned down and splashed her face.

Miss Peregrine knocked on the bathroom door. "Christina? I will meet you downstairs, dear."

"Okay." She called back to the woman.

I need help. Maybe Emma and Olive..

A/N: I feel like this is just a dumpster fire at this point. Is it even any good? 🤔

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