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Run, Christina! Miss Red-Tail's bloody face stared back at Christina. Run!

"Christina!" The girl was shaken roughly awake. Her eyes flew open and she panted heavily. Miss Peregrine’s face hovered above her own, concern written all over it. 

Christina's eyes began to water. "Miss Red-Tail.."

"Oh, love.." Miss Peregrine pulled the girl up into a hug.

Christina returned the hug and buried her face in Miss Peregrine’s neck. The smell of pipe smoke and the circles being rubbed into her back began to soothe her.

"She's really gone.. I failed to protect her. I failed all of them."

"You did nothing of the sort."

Christina pulled back and looked at Miss Peregrine. "I should've stayed and fought them!"

Miss Peregrine frowned, "But then you would have been killed as well."

Christina shook her head. "I don't deserve to live. I-"

"You do deserve to live. Do not say such terrible things about yourself." Miss Peregrine said with a stern look before wiping a tear off of the girl's face.
"I am glad that you are still alive."

Christina looked away and sniffled. "You don't even know me.."

"I would very much like to." She smiled as Christina looked back at her. Miss Peregrine’s gaze slid down to Christina's exposed leg. "How does your wound feel?"

Christina looked down at her bandaged leg. "Better but still sore. Thank you for helping me."

Miss Peregrine looked back up at her. "Of course, darling. Now, are you hungry?"

"God yes, I'm starving."

Miss Peregrine chuckled lightly. "I will bring you some food. Try not to fall back asleep."

Christina gave the woman a small smile. "I'll try my best."

Miss Peregrine nodded and rose to her feet. "If you need me, just call. I have rather good hearing."

Christina nodded at that. "When will I get to meet your wards?" 

Miss Peregrine hummed to herself in thought. "After you have finished eating, I shall send them in one at a time to meet you. If that is alright with you?" 

"Of course. Thanks again." 

Miss Peregrine nodded once again before leaving the room.

After exactly ten minutes, Miss Peregrine knocked on the door before entering. "Christina dear, I have your.. What are you doing out of bed??" 

Christina looked over at her from the window. "I just wanted to see what the grounds looked like.."

Miss Peregrine tutted her tongue at the girl and set the plate on the nightstand next to the bed. "There will be plenty of time for that later. Get your behind back in this bed."

Christina smirked a little, "Yes, ma'am." She strolled back over to the bed and climbed into it.

Miss Peregrine raised a brow at the girl. "If you reopened your wound, you will be in big trouble.

Christina's smirk grew. "Oh, yeah?"

Miss Peregrine’s eyes narrowed. "Eat your food."

Christina let out a small laugh before grabbing her plate. "Okay, okay. Thank you." She picked up a piece of bacon and began devouring it.

"Slow down! I do not want you to choke."

Christina waved her off. "I'll be-" She coughed as she inhaled some bacon bits.

Miss Peregrine sighed, "I told you.. Are you alright?"

Christina held up her thumb while still coughing. Miss Peregrine shook her head. "I will go and get you a drink." She turned and hurriedly left the room.

A teen looking boy appeared in the doorway. "At least you seem better than the other one." 

Christina eyed him, "Excuse me?" 

The boy rolled his eyes, looking bored. "Another kid arrived just this morning, but he's been ogling Emma since he got here. I'm not a fan. Oh, I'm Enoch by the way."

Christina hummed, "I'm Christina. I don't mean to be a nuisance, honestly. I'll leave when-" 

"I beg your pardon?" Miss Peregrine had reappeared and looked between Enoch and Christina; a glass of water was in her hand.

Enoch took that as his cue and hurried away.

Christina gave Miss Peregrine a sheepish smile. 

"I was just telling Enoch that I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can. I..I don't want to be a bother to anyone."

Miss Peregrine made her way into the room. "Oh, ignore Enoch. He is not a fan of new faces." She held the water out to the girl which she took gratefully. "You may stay for as long as you like."

Christina took a sip of the water. "He mentioned another kid had arrived?"

Miss Peregrine nodded, "A relative of another that used to live here a while back. Just more grave news.."

"Oh.." Christina stared at the water in her hand.

"Anyways." Miss Peregrine smiled, "I do not discuss unpleasant matters."

The Tiger and the FalconNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ