Christina's Past

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A/N: Hi guys! I don't know if any of you were actually interested or not, but I made a background story for Christina! I know it's kinda short, I'm sorry.. Hope you enjoy~

"Crystal, you're so slowww." Christina turned back and watched a snow white tiger shrug her way through some bushes.

"Jeez, I'm sorry that I'm blind." Her sightless blue gaze shot a glare in the direction of the orange tiger in front of her.

Christina rolled her eyes.

"Perhaps, but you know this forest better than anyone. From every boulder to every entangling root." 

Crystal let out a chuff, "I do, but..I guess I'm just a little nervous." She sighed.

"Why, because the wolf you like is going to introduce you to his pack?"

Crystal growled, "Not. Helping." She padded forward and shoved her sister playfully.

Christina purred softly and rubbed her head against Crystal's shoulder.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. Coal is a nice guy, I'm sure the pack will love you. It's hard not to."

Crystal turned her head away, "I guess.."

"Crystal!" A large, gray wolf shot through the trees toward them.

Christina bristled but Crystal's tail shot up in excitement.

"Coal!" She called back.

Coal skidded to a halt in front of Crystal and touched noses with her.

"I've missed you."

Christina stepped away from the two. "It's only been like an hour or two since you last, been with each other." She corrected herself and shot a glance at her sister, but Crystal didn't seem to notice. She was rubbing her face against Coal's neck.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous to meet your pack." She pulled away a little and twitched her ears.

Coal gave her a small lick to the forehead.
"They're very eager to meet you."

"Oh? Did you tell them we weren't human?" Christina interjected.

"I.." Coal glanced around nervously, "I may have left that part out."

Christina rolled her eyes.

"It's okay. Surprises are..good." Crystal kneaded the ground in front of her.

Coal nodded, "Right! Let's get going. They're waiting." He turned and led Crystal forward the trees.

Christina looked up to the sky when she heard a distant rumble. It was about to storm.

How fun.. she thought before following the two.

A little rain never hurt anyone. Crystal shot back at her. Stop being grumpy.

I just have a bad feeling, okay?! The storm isn't helping, either.

Crystal flicked her ear as a response.

When the group brushed their way into the clearing, they were met with the sight of five large wolves. 

It had begun to rain not long after the sisters' little bickering match, so they had to squint to see each other.

The biggest of the wolves stepped forward, looking angry.

"What is this, Coal? Do you think us fools?"

Coal held his tail up to stop Crystal, and slowly moved towards his pack.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But just because our ancestors-"

The wolf snarled, "The tigers killed most of our ancestors and you want us to sit by and let you mate with one of their offspring?!"

Christina bristled and stepped forward. "Your kind attacked us! Maybe you should learn your history, fleabag!"

"How dare you?!" Another wolf stepped forward threateningly. 

"Christina!" Crystal hissed at her sister, "Not helping!"

Coal flattened his ears, "I love her, Damien. I don't care what our ancestors did."

The lead wolf, Damien, stepped forward and shoved his face into Coal's.

"I do not accept this pairing!"

Coal growled, "I wasn't asking for permission."

Damien lunged at Coal and the two flailed in a heap of claws and snapping jaws.

Crystal's eyes widened. "Leave him alone!" She bolted forward towards the sound but another wolf intervened and sank its teeth into Crystal's shoulder. She shrieked in pain.

"Crystal!" Christina shot forward and collided with the wolf that was attacking her sister.

Crystal whimpered and staggered backwards before a sickening yelp made her snap her head in Coal's direction.

"Coal!" She shot forward again as best as she could but she got swarmed by the other three wolves.

Christina tried to get to her sister but the wolf she was fighting with raked its claws down her back.

It hurt so bad. The pain was unbearable. She staggered and collapsed into the mud.

Crystal.. Her vision faded to black.

When she finally regained consciousness, the rain had stopped and it was nearing sunset. The tiger groaned in pain and pushed herself to her paws. Her eyes widened when they landed on a bloody, white heap. 

"Crystal..?" She moved slowly towards the heap. "Crystal are..are you okay? Please answer me." She reached out with a paw and touched her sister's flank. It was cold. 

"No.." she leaned down towards her sister's face and nudged against her chin with her head. The tigress didn't move.

Christina closed her eyes and shook. 

Those wolves will pay.. she growled quietly and raised her head to look at the other heap. Coal had had his throat ripped out.

"They will pay for what they did to the both of you."

"That is not the answer."

Christina's head whipped towards the sound. Standing next to a tree was a proper looking woman with fiery red hair. She smiled warmly at Christina.

"Who are you?" Christina stood and winced as the pain shot through her back wounds.

"Miss Red-Tail, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

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