"Your False King speaks of peace but I am no fool to put faith in such a man. A man who killed my parents. A man who tried to kill me many times to count."

"My King is faithful to his words," the man replied smugly. "He knows no deception when it comes to something of such importance,"

I laughed. I had to. If I was ludicrous enough to do what he says, I am marking my own doom. The moment he steps foot in Anthreal, he would never hesitate to slay us all. I and my unborn child and are still a threat to him. A threat he would wipe away at the slightest chance.

"I may be inexperienced. I admit it. But I am not forgetful." I told the man, my voice dripping with venom. "Since you are here, take back my terms of peace,"

The man shifted in his seat, taken aback by my words. Did he expect that I would say yes to what his sender asked me to do?

"I have no real intention to spill the blood of many. We could end the possibility of war in one wise thing. A wise battle with only one person on each side. One fights for power and the other fights for vengeance,"

"Tell him to put an end to this madness. Tell him that he is too incapable to be King and that the people would despise him if he became one. Tell him that I would not give up my birthright to a man who has no right to it,"

For a few moments, the messenger just stared at me. But then he laughed. Laughed as wildly as humanly possible. Lestor growled loudly as if asking my permission to shred him into pieces.

"You are truly an impressive speaker," he told me after his laughter subsided. "But do you think that you would have a chance to go against him? The son of Abraham Arefes, the brave warrior King? You, the son of a cowardly and ignorant prince?"

Bite back your anger, I told myself. This is not worth losing my years of practiced calmness. This is not what I would have done. This is not expected of me-

"And your child? It will be born a coward too, just as you are. Pray  tell me, do you truly want to leave your splendid wife a miserable widow-"

I never knew when my hand went for the handle of Mistriver. I never knew how I stood up and pierced the edge of the sword into his neck. Rage covered everything and clouded my mind. No strategies. No clever remarks.

"Speak of my wife and child like that again," I said, in a dangerous tone. "And I assure you that you would regret ever coming here,"

I moved the sword slightly forward, causing the man to bleed slightly. He flinched and fear slowly took over his confident attitude. Nearby, I found Lestor, staring at the man, ready to strike.

"Where is your arrogance now?" I asked him in a mocking tone. "I suppose you can see this as a lesson. Talking wildly in front of a man who could kill you is an unwise action,"

"I-If you hurt me..." He stuttered, which I was glad to hear. "...you would anger my King. This is the highest form of disrespect-"

"The highest form of disrespect of your very existence," I commented. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something clever, but decided to against it.

"I would not kill you," I told him, moving the sword slightly. "Because I hope that you would take my message to my uncle." 

The man stared at me before nodding, without much movement. He was losing too much blood already and I knew he would not like to risk it.

With one last look, I pulled back my sword away from his throat. He quickly got up and stumbled back. Lestor moved slightly forward but I stopped him by holding his body.

The Lonely Warrior QueenWhere stories live. Discover now