15 - Slushie Stand

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Brooke's POV

The icing on the cake was.... artistic. It was supposed to be our names but Tommy wanted to draw Jshlatt, so it went down hill fast. We may or may not need a new microphone, Bilzo and Wilbur were fighting over the icing colour and knocked the mic into the water that Ranboo and Niki were using to clean up. That also may or may not have been clipped and is currently trending on twitter, but not for the chaos. But because Aimsey and I got caught in the reflection being 'close with each-other'. 

Tommy responded to being tagged in the clip asking on his opinion or something, he simply dismissed it and said that if we were something and wanted to tell the internet we are together we would and that it was non of anyone else's business until then.

Aimsey and I both agreed to not outwardly state anything as we haven't labeled anything yet to the public.

Charlies settled in well, I need to find new place to stay because his snoring is going to kill me. It's currently 2 am and I can't sleep because of the train next to me. After 5 minutes of trying to fall asleep, I sit up and put my shoes and leave the house, taking my phone, headphones and beanie.

There a petrol station a few streets down, I decide to make my way there. It's not exactly safe but I want a slushie. My phone buzzes.



Aimsey: You up?

Yeah, on my way to get a slushie
Wanna join

Aimsey: I'll meet you there.


I turn my phone off with a click and take a deep breath of cold air. I walk the rest of the way in silence, kicking a stone or two on the way.

Walking into the blinding petrol station I make my way over to the slushie stand, grabbing a cup, paying and walking out to a halfwall fence type thing that separates the station from the road/ path. I put on my headphones and put on a song. 

Humming the melody for a couple minutes before I feel someone look at me from behind me. I turn off my song and pretend to still be listening. I have to be careful because it might be some loony trying to get easy prey.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and i go to grab it. I reposition myself to face the person and twist their wrist slightly. "Ow ow ow!" 

Quickly dropping my hand off their wrist, "Oh shit, Aimee! Why did you sneak up on me? You could have been some crazy off their chops dude trying to hurt me!"

Aimsey shakes their wrist and slightly tears up. Nah shit, I have messed up big time. I reach out to cup their face, they stand between my legs

 "I'm sorry I hurt you." I wipe the tears the fall and pull her in for a hug. After a little while she falls silent of sobbing.

"Can we get my slushie and come to my place?" I hear a little voice whisper shyly. I chuckle slightly.
"Sure, I'll pay for you." We walk inside and she pours herself a slushie. I pay and we start walking out to her flat.

They unlock their door and welcomes me inside. "My bedrooms over that way, you can go wait their I just need to clean up the kitchen." They point down a hallway and I make my way to the bedroom.

A few minutes pass and she comes into her room. She beckons me to sit next to her on the bed and I do. Resting their head on my shoulder they pull me back onto the bed.

"You feeling okay? You're tense." Aimsey questions.
"Yeah, new places are a lot for me."
"Okay... want to watch a movie?" 

Aimsey pulls out her laptop and opens netfix, clicking on Black Widow and turning up the volume.

Word Count: 654

A/N: I'm finally on summer break which means I can update more, if you have any idea please comment them. I'm out of ideas so it would really help.

A/N 2 - just readred this and have edited it.

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