4 - Zoning Out

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Brookes POV - Warning, Mild heart Problem.

Badlinu knocks my foot from under the table. Crap, I've zoned out again. I should probably lie down somewhere but were in the middle of the stream, and I'd only be getting up again. I excuse myself from the table and go into the kitchen for some water. Tubbos mum is sitting at the counter and asks "You alright hunny?" I nod to her and mention that I'm just going to get some water. She replies but her voice is kinda muffled.

I drink some water and go up to one of the bathrooms upstairs. Whilst I'm splashing water on my face to calm myself down, I hear a very faint knock, so I look up through the mirror and find a worried blond in a red shirt. "You alright? You left with no reason and you're zoning out alot." I read his lips to figure out what he said. I nod and wave him off. "No, seriously Brooke. Whats wrong?" 

I look down at the sink and focus myself to try and form a proper answer, "Just, ummm... mild heart problems... the usual, it happens when ever I have caffeine. I'll be fine just go back down to the stream." I say in a completely monotone voice. I can see he's taken back from my answer, but he nods anyway and leaves. I turn back to the sink and continue splashing my face with water and then turning around to dry it off with a towel. I calculate my heart rate using my fingers and my rist. Okay, well missing the beats isn't normal. But it's still sitting around 135 so I shouldn't pass out.

I have medication in my bag, but that will make me even more drowsy. So I shake my head and give myself a little pep talk inside my head. I nod at myself in the mirror, put on my mask again, recenter the bucket hat and go to join the others again. 

Walking down stairs I find no one in the in the room with the table and microphones. I look out through the window and find them doing apple bobbing. Bilzo looks like a wet dog and tommy is being dried off by aimsey. I chuckle to myself when Bilzo tries to get back up. I open the door to the outside, everyone turns there heads to me. But everything quickly goes back to how it was before. Bilzo dunking his head in the bucket of water and pushing the apples out with his head.

"You gonna doing apple bobbing Bishop?" Asks tommy, still concerned.
"Nah, I can't because of the mask. You know, being faceless and all." The group collectively nods and bilzo starts coughing up water. I chuckle at this and walk back into frame and stands next to Ranboo and Aimsey. 

Ranboo looks down at me and gives me the are you okay look and I nod and wave him off. Ranboo steps out of the way of bilzo's wave but didn't warn me off it. So now my knitted sweater is soaked and I can't take it off, because of having no shirt underneath. I turn my head slowly to Bilzo, "Oh shit, sorry Bishop. I -uh, yeah sorry." he stumbles backwards while I grab the hose of the ground. 
"Turn it on Ranboo." The enderman nods and turns on the water. I spray it at bilzo making him be completely wet head to toe. I laugh along with the group and go to put down the hose, but I accidently spray Aimsey. "Oh shit, I'm sorry lovely." I put down the hose whilst ranboo turns of the water and put out my arms for a hug. Aimee waddles over and we hug.

"Your warm."
"And you feel like you have hypothermia, are you okay?" 

She looks up to meet my eyes and I nod. "You look distant. Whats wrong?" She says concerned. Tommy walks over to us and whispers,
"It's your heart isn't it?" I nod back to him and Aimsey looks twice as concerned.

"Yeah, it's skipping beats right now. I need to go lie down, sorry everyone." I excuse myself from the stream and walk up to my room, feeling guilty as ever. I quickly grab my backpack, a bottle of water from the bed side table and grab my medication. I go to pop out the pills but my hands are shaking too much. I feel so weak and vulnerable in this situation. I feel the mattress dip next to me and a hand slowly grabs the medication.

"How many?" A comforting voice asks. I put up 2 fingers and point to the packet their holding, then 1 finger to a pack thats still in my bag at the top. They pop them out and give them to me and I swallow it with the water. Same with the next medication.  We sit in silence for a few moments. "How long does it take for the medication to kick in?" 

I process the question and mutter out, "About half an hour. I'll be asleep by then though."
"Why?" She asks putting her head on my shoulder.
"I'm already tired, thats why I was so touchy earlier, sorry if I made you uncomfortable by the way." I tapper off my sentence, trying to formulate the next part.
"It was okay, just so you know. I liked it to be honest. You just surprised me and I didn't want chat to- I don't know- say something stupid." I smile faintly at this. 
"Noted... The medication will make me pass out. I need to be unconscious for it to make my heart stable again. Thats what the doctors said anyway... Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Sure, I was never going to leave you anyway." 

Word count:963

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