5 - Nerf War

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Brookes POV - (The stream that I talk about is fiction)


Ouch, shit I think I got a headache or a migraine I can't tell. I look over to where aimsey was before. The bed is cold.

"Oi shut up! Even though we're streaming, Bishops still asleep!" Someone says in a whisper yell. I silently chuckle at myself because of this. Of course they're still streaming. I role over to grab my phone for the time. I turn it on but promptly throw it because it's on max brightness. 

"Fuck, why is that so bright." I groan loudly. The phone is still on so I reach to grab it. I squint my eyes open just barely and turn down the brightness. The time is 12 am, and they're still up? I slowly sit up and drink some of the water from earlier. I stand up and brace myself with the wall and start walking towards the door and grab a hoodie on the way, my bucket hat and mask because they're streaming. I open the door to find Tommy on the ground and Bilzo with a nerf gun.

Tommy notices me and waves at me happily and points to the nerf gun on the ground. I chuckle at him, grab and shoot the nerf gun at bilzo. Bilzo acts dead and yells "How dare you! I thought better of you Bishop!" Tommy gets up, walks over bilzo and grabs his gun on the way.
"So whats going on?"
"Nerf war. It's us two against the rest." He smiles devilishly. "There are a few cameras around the house, only one at the stairs up here though." I nod and we walk down to where the others- no, enemies are. Tommy counts down with his fingers. 3, 2, 1. And we jump out from the stairs and shoot the enemies. 

Everyone is on the ground, acting like they are dead. Ranboo half on the couch, badlinu 'dead' on the kitchen counter and tubbo on the floor 'bleeding out'. Tommy and I high five in celebration.

"Not so quickly, this isn't over!" Aimsey says menacingly while entering the room and shoots tommy. Aims' has one bullet left and so do I, I can't miss or else they win. But I do... and so does she! We scramble for a bullet and I grab the one of the kitchen counter that 'killed' tubbo and boop aimsey on the nose with the dart. It takes a moment for Aimee to process what happened, but she drops dead dramatically.

"Yes! I win! Oh, fuck I said that to loudly..." I sit down on a bar stool and everyone gets up. 
"You alright Bishop?" Ranboo asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I nod, and pat his hand.
"You made quite an entrance, I thought you were asleep." Ranboo recenters my hat and pats my head softly.
"I was awoken by a child, it doesn't matter though. I'm hungry and happy because Tommy and I won a 2 v 4." Aimsey hums at my comment and walks behind me giving me a back hug.
"How bout we end the stream here?" She says looking around the room and to the camera, still hugging me.

"Would you like to send off the chat Bishop?" Asks tubbo. I nod and clear my through.
"Goodnight, Goodmorning. Remember to eat and if your watching this at witching hour, please get some sleep. This is Bishop, Over and out." My voice drops again during the last sentence. I chuckle at the chats reaction and press end stream.
"Do you do that on purpose or something? I swear it happens every time." Ranny comments. I smile and respond with, "No, I just woke up and I'm still tired." in a 'morning voice'.

"You said you are hungry, I'm going to go out and grab pizza, so just stay put alright." Says badlinu. I nod and thank him, he leaves the house and gets in the car he drove here with.

I spin around to face aimee and open my arms and my legs a little so we can hug/ cuddle while I'm sitting down. I dig my head into the crook of her neck. Click. "Who just took a photo? Actually I don't care about the photo, why do you have sound on?" I ask, muffled from aimee's neck.

"Hey, its completely normal for someone to have the camera shutter noise on!" Ranboo defends himself. "and I was only doing it because I hear wedding bells." I slightly laugh and mutter an okay.

"Want to watch a movie?" Tommy suggests. 
"Sure," Aimee says starting to move, but I keep holding her in place.
"I don't wanna move though..." She laughs a little at this and suggests that we can cuddle on the couch. I agree reluctantly and drag my feet to the couch, eyes barely open to see where I'm going. 

Word count:811

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