Chapter 12: ferry ticket

Start from the beginning

Then he stood up little by little, touched his earlobe and gave himself a super exaggerated praise, humming an unknown tune written in his dream, first put away the broken glass in the safest layer of the schoolbag, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

While washing, Luo Zhi took out his phone and looked at it.

After leaving the hospital, Luo Zhi broke off his original calling card. Now this one was bought for 100 yuan at the black street stall at the end of the alley that would be sealed up. I didn't use an ID card, so Ren Chenbai wouldn't be able to find him for a while.

But it's not a long-term solution. As long as he stays in the city, his whereabouts will be revealed sooner or later.

Luo Zhi held his toothbrush in his mouth and looked at the unfamiliar pale face in the mirror, and suddenly froze for a moment.

...Who is Ren Chenbai?

Who is this person in the mirror?

Why are you brushing your teeth too?

This is often the case these days. It seems that the thinking that was originally running naturally will suddenly get stuck somewhere, just like a small stone was thrown into the gears that were originally meshing, and then all the consciousness suddenly becomes blank.

But he has a way.

Luo Zhi turned out the memorandum and reviewed it according to what was written on it. When the pebbles disappeared, the state returned to normal, and the things that were forgotten this time were added one by one.

Standing in front of the sink, Luo Zhi was typing the memo word by word while holding his phone, when several unread messages suddenly popped up at the top of the screen.

Luo Zhi opened the message, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The script he hung up for resale has a reply.

What Luo Zhi wanted to resell was the script that had been filmed and prepared to be given to Luo Cheng before, and was almost ready.

Because it was a personal gift he wanted to give to the little sister, he didn't take the public account, and spent all the money that Luo Zhi had saved himself.

It is also because of this that the ownership of this script does not belong to Huaisheng Entertainment, but Luo Zhi himself.

The price Luo Zhi offered was a ferry ticket.

Not an ordinary ticket, but a super invincible luxury cruise ticket. Tickets are particularly difficult to grab, even if the price is staggeringly high, they are still empty every time they are released.

Luo Zhi had been greedy for a long time, and originally wanted to spend a lot of money and buy it as a birthday present for himself.

On the day the tickets were released, Luo Zhi booked a series of alarm clocks, but just ten minutes before he used public power and private use in the name of holding a small meeting, and led the management of Huaisheng Entertainment to kill the mighty ticket grabbing, Luo Zhi wanted to alleviate the situation. Nervous, I just brushed the circle of friends.

In the last five minutes before the ticket was released, in the circle of friends, Luo Zhi brushed the script that Luo Cheng wanted anyway.

The time when the cruise ship will berth at the nearest port is a week later, and the next time to open this route will be next year.

Luo Zhi didn't have any hope at first, he just hung up and tried his luck.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a private chat.

He seemed to suddenly have a particularly worthy goal. He no longer wandered aimlessly, but took the time to wash himself, change his clothes, and sit at the table.

When he opened the private chat interface, Luo Zhi's heart was still a little excited, thumping in his chest.

Luo Zhi clicked on the first unread message, it was a very mature studio, and the person in charge of script procurement came to contact him.

No ticket, but promised to transfer the full script at the original price he took at the time.

Luo Zhi opened the second unread message. It was a large-scale film and television company. The person in charge of the resource department came to contact him.

No tickets, but with a 10% transfer fee on the original price, allowing him to retain referral rights for a non-main character.

Luo Zhi opened the third unread message, it was the manager of an artist who did not want to be named, and there was no ticket...

[Since you intend to transfer the script, it means that you are not very wealthy. ]

Most of the agents have a wide range of connections, and it is not difficult to find out who the script that was auctioned at a high price belongs to. ]

Luo Zhi sighed lightly and put down the phone.

He forgot what he was doing again, and sat at the table for a while, before he remembered that he wanted to use the script to exchange for a ticket.

What is there to advise him?

He just wanted to go to the boat and play.

Luo Zhi tapped the screen in a daze.

He was lying on the table, his arm resting on his chin, and his other hand lightly drew circles on the phone.

Not knowing how many circles he had drawn, Luo Zhi finally put down his phone and turned to get up to pack his things.

Probably because he had been thinking about things, this time he forgot to buffer first, got up in a hurry, and fell down as soon as his right leg softened.

Luo Zhi fell to the ground together with the chair, the back of the chair slammed into his back, and the lights in front of Luo Zhi also went out for a few minutes without warning.

When his vision was restored, there was already a lot of news on the phone that fell beside him.

[It is recommended to consider selling, and the price can be negotiated. ]

[Can be exchanged for other equivalent resources. ]

[A PR team can be provided. ]

[It is recommended to consider more, plan for the long term, and come to Japan for a long time. ]

Luo Zhi suddenly took the phone.

His eyes were still softly bent, as if he didn't know the pain or the pain. He really didn't know, his fingertips tapped the screen dexterously: [I don't think about it, I don't plan to. ]

The opposite side was obviously a little stunned by this answer, and when he replied again, he almost forgot the official words: [Why? ]

Luo Zhi gave a light "uh", thought about it, and put the phone on his forehead.


It was probably the same as when he secretly left the hospital without a full-body examination.

If it doesn't work here, try another place.

If not, move to another place.

If it doesn't work anywhere, then go and see what kind of world is at the end of the sea, and see what that world is like.

If it doesn't work, then he really needs to rest.

Before he died, he really wanted to meet someone who could smile at him, wave to him, and say hello.

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now