Not A Crime - P. HN x Reader

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"We should let you two relax alone. We've been sitting here for hours!" One of the Ajummas said.

Suddenly they all started to get up and I quickly closed my eyes not wanting to see anything unpleasant.

Hanni then squeezed my thigh and I panicked a little. She then rested on the opposite side of me, saying "finally some time to relax!"

We looked at each other for a second in complete silence.

It made me nervous the way she was looking at me.

"Why did I suggest this!?" I asked myself again.

I did my best to not look at her body.

I don't know what was going on with me lately.

I wanted to spend all my time with her. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept having dreams about her. I was becoming very confused.

"Do you ever miss home?" I randomly asked her breaking the tension.

"Umm sometimes... yes, actually" She answered honestly.

"Do you?" She asked in turn.

"Yes... there's many things I could do at home that I can't do here and I miss a lot of the food" I answered her.

"Is there something you want to do here that you can't?" Hanni asked starting to come close.

"I don't know. I can't think of anything at the top of my head," I answered her getting she nervous as she got closer.

"I can," Hanni suddenly said then abruptly kissed me.

I froze for a second.

"Wtf wtf wtf!" I internally panicked.

Hanni pulled away and gave me a gummy smile. I quickly got out of the water and grabbed my towel.

"I- I- I need to go!" I said nervously and rushed out the bathhouse.

- Hanni POV -

Y/n-ah left me at the sauna.

"Dammit, why did I do that?" I whispered under my breath as I walked back home.

When I got home I tried to text and call y/n, but I never got an answered.

The rest of the week y/n didn't come to school.

The whole entire weekend I kept calling and texting but never even got a 'message read' notification.

I spent 4 days wondering what y/n-ah was thinking or doing.

Until, Monday came around... when y/n finally came back to school.

I tried to talk to them but I got completely ignored.

Y/n-ah wasn't just acting weird towards me but towards everybody.

I tried talking to y/n the whole week but I wouldn't even get a single word in response.

- Y/N POV -

Hanni kept trying to talk to me the whole week.... but I couldn't bring myself to say a single word to her.

That kiss was super weird.

It's not that it made me feel weird or anything... it was just the wrong time and place to do that.

It was Friday evening and I had gone to the market to buy groceries to cook dinner.

"Why would she do that?! All she did was confuse me more," I thought to myself as I walked back home.

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