*{Healing The Blue Butterfly}*

Start from the beginning

"Hikaru? Hikaru!"

The butterfly jumped up, accidentally awakening Miyake and scaring Muichiro.


Miyake rubbed his irritated eyes, "Huh? What happened??? Hikaru-Chan!!!" The young man wailed.

"My baby sister!!! She's okay!" He cried, hugging her softly, "Are you feeling better???"

Muichiro puffed up, trying to push Miyake off Hikaru, though it was useless. His tiny hands unable to even faze Miyake.

Hikaru coughed, and slapped Miyake against his head, "Idiot! Let me go!"

Miyake pouted, and sat against the chair like a sad puppy, "B-But..."

"Surely you two are not disrupting Hikaru-Chan's healing process, right?"

Muichiro slumped against the other chair, hiding in hands and missing Hikaru's warmth, "No.."

Miyake frowned, and shook his head no at the senior butterfly, rubbing his hand along Hikaru's bandaged wrists.

"What even... happened to you, sister?"

Hikaru shuddered and then averted her eyes, "I'm. Im really not sure. All I can remember is that damned demon moon approaching me. Then, after I defeated one, another came. There is no way they were actual moons, they were so weak..."

She took a deep breath, Miyake rubbing supportive circles around her wrists, "He... Muzan... he showed up. Determined to kill me, he tried, but something. Someone.. stopped him. But it was so bright, I couldn't see."

Miyake tilted his head, "Hm..."


{a few weeks later}

"Big brother, I am fully healed now, please... go on your missions." Hikaru defended herself, readying her sheath for her latest mission.

Miyake heavily urged her to not go, as she still had trouble keeping her balance, stamina, and her strength at level waters. Not to mention, her undeniable crippling fear everywhere she went.

Miyake shook his head, "There is no way I'm allowing you to go on this mission, you are not fully healed, and you weren't even given this mission!"

"No, but that doesn't mean I can't help!"

Miyake furrowed his brows, and pushed his arms forward, "Yes it does!! Go back in the house and change into something comfortable, I'll take you out to eat, will that make you feel better?"

Hikaru crossed her arms, her wisteria lanyards giving off a beautiful aroma, the chains had been kept in good condition, but her bottles of poison and healing remedies had been used during her attack. So, Shinobu-San was helping Hikaru come up with better mixtures.

Besides that, Hikaru did really want to go on this mission, but only because she's been stuck in the HQ all month. Then again, free food always sounded good, and it was always nice to spend time with her older brother. It made her feel safe inside.

BUT- at the same time, she was too stubborn, and the butterfly did not want to lose to Miyake. However, she knew better, and decided upon a deal.

"If I don't go on this mission, we get to go get hot pot, and get dessert at the bakery." She bargained, her hair subtly annoying her by flying in her face as she did not have time to fix it.

Miyake huffed, and took a giant breath of fresh air, "Why the hell not?"

Hikaru jumped when she felt someone messing with her hair, turning, she saw Muichiro fixing her long and beautiful hair. Her face blushed into a flame of red.

Miyake smirked, then his face fell as he realized it was his (basically) sister and his (basically) son, flirting. That was now so very wrong in so many ways. Miyake laughed at himself, and let Hikaru enjoy the little time she got to spend with her...

Ahem ahem... um.... Favorite mist pillar 😉

Muichiro braided Hikaru's long and soft hair, his boring face never faltering as he tied the end together with a gorgeous blue ribbon.

Hikaru turned around, and bowed, ignoring the singing pain in her neck, "Thank you! Muichiro!"

Muichiro hummed, silently walking away, as if nothing happened. Hikaru was confused, but not overly surprised, as this was expected of the forgetful boy.

Miyake groaned dramatically, his hair out of place and his eyes darker than usual, "Come onnnnn!!!! I'm hungry!"

"Okay okay, I'm coming big bother!"

"Good... my little butterfly.."

"Ew! Brother, don't call me that, and get away you weirdo! Go cuddle with Rengoku-Sama or something!!"

"Don't tell me what to do!!"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂 | 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now