Chapter 10

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"Alright let us go for a run shall we?" I hummed as she sprinted out of the barn.

Y/n's pov

The large wood work trees blurred as Persephone galloped passed them her flamed hair flew back as my silver and black hair also flew around me getting more knotted as we ran. Sighing I inhaled some of the cleaner air in hell it wasn't as pure as it was when I was first here but then agian that was thousands of years ago and hell wasn't overpopulated.

"Not as clean as it used to be. Huh Persephone?" I asked as she whinnied as a respons.

Making our way to the edge of the forest Persephone slowed to a trot humming a small tune as we walked through the city everyone moved or stared in aw at Persephone. Stopping I dismonted Persephone placing the reigns over the horn of the saddle. Walking done the side walk Persephone walked by my side. We walked in silence as the noisy city bussled around us denozines crossing the side walk to get out of our way in fear of me stringing their organs up like christmas lights. That reminds me where was I for two months? I know I wasn't here but I also wasn't alive either. Walking in thought a large limo drove past as it's tires screatched to a stop. The limo pulled in reverse as the back window rolled down.

"Hang on Persephone." I stated holding my arm out as I walked to her side nearest to the road.

Once I could see into the limo a moth demon with four arms sat on a very bright pink cushion. Blinking my eyes I cringed at all the glitter covering him and the two girls wrapped around his arms a wide smirk was plastered on his gray skin as a cigarette rested between his sharp teeth. Heart shaped glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he looked me up and down almost undressing me with his eyes making me cringe in disgust. A large fur coat rested on his shoulder it looked heavy maybe he has back problems from hat i thought to myself.

"Hello beuatiful." He purred shoving the girl on his right off the seat and onto the floor.

My brows furrowed as I stared at the girl now on the floor of the limozine my eyes darted back at the moth demon as his head poked out of the window.

"Valentino but you can call me daddy." He cooed making my bile rise up through my throat in disgust.

"Sorry but I'll pass." I growled turning away.

As I went to walk away this red smoke surronded my body making me stop in confusion turning to the disgrace of a man now know as Valentino my lip snarled seeing the smoke coming from his cigarette.

"Release me now." I growled.

"Hm, such a temper what do you say Vox wouldn't she be the perfect collection to my club?" He hummed turning to look at another person in the limo.

Soon enough a demon with a flat screen TV as a head appeard sitting beside Valentino.

"Seems like she would give you some nice money." The demon who I was geussing was Vox whistled glancing at my body.

"You have three seconds to let me go or else I will crush you and your car." I snarled black fog coming from my mouth.

"Aw is the little fawn trying to scare us." Valentino mocked.

"Three..." I growled my eyes turning into voids with red dots floating in them.

"Hey Val doesn't she seem familiar?" Vox asked tilting his head as though he remebered me.

"Two..." I growled electricity flowing through my veins as my powers surged rising as did my rage.

"Yeah she does, doesn't she?" Valentino hummed narrowing his eyes at me.

"I warned you... One..." I growled waving my hand as a rush of wind pushed the red smoke away.

Valentino stared at me shocked as I stormed up to the vehicle gripping him by the collar of his coat. Throwing him out of the car I slammed him onto the ground a crater making a indent into the sidewalk. Realing back my foot I swung it forward kicking Valentino in the side sending him flying into a building. The building crumpled over top of him at the impact of his hit, huffing in annoyance, I straighted out my suit dusting the debris from my clothing. Stomping over to Persephone who snorted at Vox who sat in the car petrified I mounted her quickly swinging my leg over as I gave a bittersweet smile to Vox.

"Let this be a warning to you. You don't seem that bad of a person just please choose better friends alright." I giggled psycoticly before sprinting of back into the woods.

The trees once more blurred around us as Persephone galloped to the barn I felt disgusting. When I get back to the house I knew the first thing I was doing was getting in the shower and then cuddles with Al. Dismounting Persephone when we made it to the barn I walked to the saddle room, gathering the equipment off of her I grabbed a brush an sweat scraper. Cleaning her off I smiled placing all the tools back into the disignated area they went. Letting out a yawn I wandered to her stable opening it only to see a sleeping Alastor leaned up agianst Hades who had his head wraped around his body. Smiling at how cute it was I summoned a poloroid cammera taking a quick photo a soft click made both of their ears flick as they both looked up quickly.

"I see you two were sleeping nicely." I laughed as Alastor stood up quickly yawning and stretching.

"I uh yes drling we slept wonderfully." He said his voice gravely from him just waking up making my knees feel weak.

"Holy shit that voice is hot." I sighed dreamily as I lowered my eyelids at him.



Chapter 10 done and done as always stay safe and stay tune my water drops!

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