Chapter 9

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"No of course not darling. You are perfect. And that perfectness should not be comforting me at this moment." he mumbled looking around before his brows furrowed, "Where are we even at darling?"

Y/n's POV

"This is my home, or maybe. I'm not sure if it's still here." I laughed uncomfortably.

"Darling but there's only trees?" He quipped confusion lacing his tone.

"That's what I want you to think." I laughed helping him stand up after I was already on my feet.

Smiling wide at the familiar moss patch with mushroom growing through the ground I reached my hand out, my hand penetrated the cloak into system I placed over my home when I used to live here the cloak puffed into a F/c fog as I smiled brightly. Walking through it quickly sealed behind me as I glanced around my old home a log cabin sat in the middle of the field as a pond stretched out behind the house. Reaching my hand out to where Al should be I waited for him to grab my hand, after a few minutes he did and I pulled him forward. Smiling brightly he straightened his back before staring around the beautiful scenery.

"Welcome to my hell home." I exclaimed out stretching my arms and spinning as my ears flopped on my head.

"It's beautiful darling." He gasped glancing around before his eyes stopped on the old barn by the pond.

"Well I'm glad you like it now what would you like to see first?" I asked kissing his cheek as he stiffened but quickly relaxed holding the spot I kissed him smiling softly.

"Darling what is that?" He asked pointing to the barn I had seen him looking at earlier.

I smiled wide grabbing his hand pulling him towards the barn as he laughed at my child like actions. Glancing around at my old home I stared at the red sky and grass. Skipping along the path I stared at my house as we walked passed it the mahogany wood matched perfectly with the hell scenery as shaded windows covered the front. Turning away from my house I glanced at Alastor who was smiling wide at the scenery.

"Hun this was hell before overpopulation, think of vast fields and just a red earth." I explained linking my arm with his as we continued walking to the barn.

"I wish I was here with you before the extermination, before the pollution, before everything." He hummed turning his gaze to me as I smiled happily.

Sighing I leaned my head on his arm walking along the path which had trees along the sides they were all apples from the courtesy of Lucifer. He did it when we had our annual prank wars we used to do it all the time in Heaven so we weren't going to let getting cast out of the silver city stop us. Smiling at the memory I gazed at the apple trees that had apples growing on them prior to the apple trees they used to be pine trees and cherry blossom trees. They were beautiful when the sun lowered over the horizon.

"You share a lot of similarities with Lucifer." Alastor chuckled breaking the silence.

"Oh, the trees were from our annual sibling wars also known as prank wars." I laughed pausing before continuing, "Oh I remember how mad he was when I started the goat rumor about him."

"Wait you did that!" Alastor asked pure amusement glinting his eyes.

"Yep the one and only." I laughed as we stepped in front of the barn.

"Well don't leave me on a cliff hanger darling, I must know all the details." He laughed as I waved my hand opening the large barn door.

"I'll make sure to tell you all about it when we get done with the tour, now time for you to meet someone." I laughed.

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