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She felt bad. Of course, she adored the gift and she knew she had helped him. But, she couldn't help feeling as though she owed him. So, to fix this unnerving feeling of repayment, she decided to make him the tastiest cookies she could bake.

She baked a lot with her mom as a kid and had always been quite fond of the whole process. She enjoyed making people happy with her cooking. Her brother was always her number one supporter and best taste tester. Even if they had been some years apart, they always got along best in the family. He was there for her when she came out to him, although he didn't understand it at first, he came around because she needed someone in this time. He pushed aside his conflicting feelings and just listened.

He made her feel like a person, despite the lack of knowledge he had about the subject, he was there for her. She misses him. She misses him so much.

She looked towards the photos on her table, the ones of her friends, family and focused on the smiling face of her older brother. She smiled at the memory of him and got to work.

She grabbed the items she needed from the pantry and cleared her mind. Focusing solely on making him the greatest cookies he had ever tasted. She just hopes he likes them.

The bell dinged, notifying her that the cookies were ready to come out of the oven. She got up and opened the oven, inhaling the sweet smell of sugar cookies and sticky jam. She had made them into hearts, the jam in the middle. These had been her brothers favourite and she loved making them.

She put them into a little bag, tying a rope around them, and writing a little thank you note on the top of the plastic bag.

She walked out of her house, locking the door and grabbing her cane from where it rested against the wall. She felt giddy, not anxious or worried. Instead, she felt hopeful that he'd enjoy what she had made for him.

His house wasn't a far walk for her, even if it was she hadn't noticed. Her nerves were too pumped and she was too excited.

She knocked lightly on the door of his house, not a moment later the door opened by a small child. The child's eyes were a bright green and were staring at her curiously. He had an octopus hat on.

'What a cute kid!! OMG!! He's adorable!!'

The kid smiled up at her, deeming it safe to ask her who she was.

"Who r' you, miss?" He looked up at her expectantly. His lighten up eyes now even more curious. She leaned down and smiled,

"I'm Shi Qing-Xuan, and who are you? By any chance does a Qi-Rong live here?" She ruffled his hair and he grinned at her,

"I'm Guzi! I'm five and a half years old and I like racoons! I've never heard of a Qi-Rong!" He looked away when he said the last part, his ears were burning red and his hands were fidgeting with each other. She had an inkling he was fibbing.

She looked at him again, this time a little more seriously. Then huffed and sighed dramatically.

"Oh well, I guess no one gets any of these cookies that I put so much hard work into." She sighed and wiped a 'tear' from her eye. She watched as the boy in front of her scampered off quickly, his eyes wide in determination.

Not even a second after, the young boy came bounding back down the hallway with a grumbling person in tow.

"So ma'am, I suddenly remembered I had an older brother by that name! How funny! Can I have a cookie, please?" He gave her puppy eyes and dropped the older man's hand, grabbing onto her long skirt. Her heart melted at the cuteness and opened the bag.

She handed him one and he hurried off yelling a muffled 'thanks!' in his wake. Cookie crumbs littered the floor from his running and she laughed at his antics.

She looked up at the older boy in front of her,

"I, uh, made these for you! They're jam sugar cookies, in return for the bracelet you gave me yesterday." She smiled brightly and when she looked at his face it was a bright hue of pink. He was staring at the cookies, looking between her and them continuously.

"Would you, uhm, like to come in? NOT THAT YOU HAVE TO! AHAH ID PREFER IT IF YOU DIDNT BUT YOU WALKED HERE SO, UHM, WHATEVER!!" He scratched his arm and looked away and kept rambling on about how she can and should leave.

She cut him off and smiled brightly, laughing quietly to herself.

"I'd love to stay. Thank you, Rong-er."

He blushed at the nickname, mumbling insults and telling her to stop calling him that.

The night dragged on, she stayed and played with Guzi, listened to music with Qi-Rong and they even ordered pizza.

The three of them were laying on the couch, Guzi was snoring atop Shi Qing-Xuan and Qi Rong laid beside side them. It wasn't awkward, no. But they were aware of every touch and brush against each other.

One of them had to break the silence. But, who would? It was her that spoke first.

"Maybe we should put him to bed? He can't be very comfortable sprawled across us." She had her arm around the small child, almost cradling him. He seemed to be very content in the position he was.

Qi Rong nodded and lifted him up lightly, Shi Qing-Xuan hadn't expected to see Qi Rong handle him so delicately. She followed him and they put him into his bed, the bed was covered in pillows and stuffies. Qi Rong grabbed the most worn out and dirty racoon plush and stuffed it under Guzi's arm. His voice was quiet beside her but she still heard it.

"That one's his favourite. Our mother gave it to him when he turned two. He can't sleep without it. Haha." She'd never heard Qi Rong speak so lightly, so calm.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad he has a piece of her." She grabbed his hand and she felt him jolt in surprise. She looked at him and smiled.

The street was dim, lighten up barely by the street lights. The cold air nipped at her skin. It was early November now, it hadn't snowed yet, but she could feel the temperature slowly dropping everyday.

She looked over at her walking partner, his face was still pale but his cheeks were a rosy red and his lips were quivering.

"Are you alright there? You look a little cold, Rong-er." She poked him lightly, gaining his attention.

"Stupid cold. I'm fine, I'm not chilly whatsoever. I should've worn shorts! Hahahahha!" She giggles at his attempt to come off as warm, but she grabbed her scarf from around her neck and wrapped it around his.

His face must've been freezing by this point because now his entire face was a rosy hue.

"There you go! Awh, you look so cute like this, Rong-er!" She laughed at the way he glared at her. Although, he didn't make any move to remove the scarf.

They continued their walk down the road. They walked in silence, comfortable and quiet. The only sound was their steady breathing and the wind.

She waved at him while he left, he mumbled a farewell and walked away.

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