Halloween special

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The two of them had made a plan, much to Qi Rongs said 'displeasure'. Although, he found himself counting the days towards the exciting event. Halloween was so near, everywhere you looked you saw decorations, fake blood on windows and doors, keep out signs. He adored this time of year. He loved the decorations, but what he loved even more was of course, scaring the shit out of the pesky kids of his neighbourhood. Much to his apparent dismay they were going as matching witches. She had shown him her costume earlier in the day, he was oddly excited and of course, she looked drop dead gorgeous. Her costume was beyond revealing. The black matched her dark tattoo and her bold makeup.

He blushed furiously, grumbling when he'd received the photo of her standing in her high demonias. She was sticking her tongue out, her body in full view. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes, knowing the effect she had on him.

'Stupid harlet, trying to seduce me!! HAGAHAG IT WONT WORK WENCH.'

Despite his cocky attitude he found himself staring at the photo, not even sparing a glance at the provocative message beneath the mesmerising photo.

'Do I look good, Rong-er?'

He stared at his phone, processing the message and photo. His face heated, his neck burned from the red climbing up it, the tips of his ears crimson.

He helped Guzi with his costume, the white fabric covering his little body and the two black holes and little smiley face drawn on looking adorable on him. His own costume was dark, the dress ripped and off the shoulders. Necklaces decorated his pale collarbones, cold jewellery on bony wrists and fingers.

'Alright, are you read, you little fucker? We're gonna scare so many kids, and remember; no matter what, get as much candy as you can.' He smiled down at the little ghost that was his brother, he knew a freckled mess of hair was smiling up at him, nodding at every word.

'Yes big brother, I remember all the rules too! If you get bad candy, kick them in the shins or in the parts!' He giggled lightly and looked at his white painted nails.

Qi Rong laughed down at him, linking his pinky with Guzis and walking out the door, grabbing Guzis little pumpkin bucket as well as a pillowcase for himself.

She was waiting at her house, he didn't understand how she wasn't shaking in the cold right now, the air nipping at her exposed skin. She laughed heartily, and waved at them.

'Guzi baby! Oh, you look so cute, oh my!! Oh, Qi Rong, you look so awesome, so handsome, dear!!' She laughed and cuddled Guzi to her, little hands wrapping around her legs.

'Yeah. Whatever, witch. You look... fine. Lets just go.' He blushed and looked away, remembering the photo earlier, the look and the message she'd sent. She looked at him and linked her arms with him, one hand on Guzis head, guiding him along the street. They laughed together and talked about who-knows-what. He was happy Guzi was having such a blast, the kid deserved it.

He helped her along, going from house to house. They snickered together, talking about others and themselves. He threw insults, she flirted. By the time they had gotten home it was pitch black outside, the only light coming from the lighten up decorations covering other houses yards.

Guzi had already run into the house, eager to eat his bag full of candy, but Shi qing xuan stopped right before the threshold, Qi rong by her side.They faced each other, not even an arms length apart, with no rush to lengthen the gap between the two.

"Thanks for helping me with Guzi...I uh...appreciate it or whatever...not that I needed the help from a real life witch!" Qi rong laughed only to anxiously scratch his neck afterwards.She looked at him surprised, not ever expecting to hear gratitude from him of all people. Yet she laughed, face warm she looked at him, never wanting to look away.

"Haha, it was no problem at all," she smiled "If i'm honestI i was hoping i'd see you tonight. Imagine my surprise when I ended up spending all of it with you!" Her smile grew, the dim light in front of the house illuminated her just enough so he could see the faint blush on her cheeks. He felt his own face redden at the sight before him.

Qi rong averted his eyes, scared of what he'd do if he kept looking at her delicate face, round eyes and soft lips,

"it... was a better halloween then I thought it would be."

When he looked back she had come half a step closer, only leaving about another half step between them. His skin jumped in shock, not expecting the sudden closeness. She leaned in with a light smile on her face, blush covering her soft face.

"Ah! Haha- it's late- s-shouldn't you be getting home? I mean-I'm sure you have to work the corner tonight or something-" he stuttered, her closeness fogging his mind. He could smell the sweet perfume she wore.

"Oh don't be so quick to get rid of me, Greenbean," she teased, "I just have oneeee little thing to ask before I go, anyways~won't you allow me just that before I go?" her voice had a hit of... flirtation? He shouldn't be surprised, considering the woman in front of him. Yet, he couldn't help being shocked once more.

It was Qi Rongs' turn to blush under the light.

"Ask it then, whore." His voice was softer, as if he struggled to get it out. She had come closer, if that was even possible.

"Trick or treat?" She smirked, leaning down ever so slightly. She knew the power she had over him, knowing all too well home much he despised the height difference but loved it the same.

"WHAT? Is this one of your stupid jokes? Do I look like I have candy to give you!" His face heated even more. He was nervous. She made him this way.

"Cmon~ just answer, Rong-er" Her eyes squinting playfully, leaning down and placing her hand behind his head, he hadn't noticed he had backed up into the wall.

"Fuck... I DONT KNOW- if I say trick you'll probably smash an fucking egg on my head or something!"

Shi Qing Xuan snorted.

"I guess i'll pick treat- you better not do anything stupid-"

He was cut off by a soft pair of pink lips connecting with his own chapped ones. The soft cherry scent of her lip gloss filled his nose. The sweetness of her tongue entered his mouth before leaving just as fast as it had come.She chuckled lightly, breath hitting his face. She pecked him once more.

When she pulled away Qi Rongs eyes were still wide with shock, and her hands rested gently on his chest.

"Happy Halloween Qi Rong." she said before turning and starting down the porch steps, quickly making her way down to the sidewalk.

Qi rong shook his head, finally out of the kiss induced daze,

"W-W-WHORE THAT WAS A TRICK! A DIRTY ONE!!!!" he yelled, his face a bright cherry red.

she looked back with her tongue out, "i'll see you tomorrow, Qi rong!" before running into her house.



It was a long moment before Qi rong got up from the spot behind his front door, where he slumped himself to replay the previous scene. touching his fingers to his lips ever so softly. He remembered the second she had kissed him, her hand on his chest, her lips on his. His face was crimson, his brain a mess.

'Happy fucking Halloween to me, huh.'

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