Christmas Special/Ryoma's Birthday

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Snow was falling all around. It was everywhere. Christmas is tomorrow and I was so hyped. I love Christmas. And to top it off, today was Ryoma's birthday, December 24. Seigaku planned to surprise him. I know he probably won't show affection for any of them, but he'll thank them and then go home to do stuff.
School was out today since it was a Saturday and we were finishing hanging up all the decorations in the Echizen household. Holly was hung up on wreaths and mistletoes were placed in doorways. Reindeer were set up outside with a fake sleigh that you could actually sit in. I even convinced Ryoma to dress up for Christmas. He wore a santa hat and a red coat. He scowled as he looked at himself in the mirror. The anticipation was killing me. I want to see what Seigaku was throwing for Ryoma. I had my present ready for him. It was a little picture frame of me, Ryoma, and Karupin, his himalayan cat. The frame was something special too, Ryoma and I had made it together when we were younger and more into childish activities.
"C'mon, Ryoma, let's go outside!" I shouted, grabbing his hand and pulling him out with me. I stuck my tongue out and started running around, catching snowflakes on it, eating them and taking my time on enjoying them. I laughed and pulled my gloves on, picking up a pile of snow and smashing it together into a ball, forming a snowball. I grinned as I tossed it in my hand for a few seconds and then threw it at Ryoma's back. He turned around and then smiled, not very big, but it was a smile. I heard hollering and shouting down the street and turned, watching the Seigaku regulars come tearing down the street with a giant banner in their hands, waving it in the air high above their heads.
"Happy birthday!" they all shouted. Tomoka, Katsuo, Kachiro, Sakuno, and Horio were with them too.
"Hoi, happy birthday, Ochibi!" Eiji shouted, jumping on Ryoma. I laughed again as they all started piling onto him. Even Tezuka got into the picture, not that he actually hugged anyone, but he still was in the picture, I think that counts at least a little bit. That day, December 24, Christmas Eve, we celebrated Ryoam's brithday together, outside, throwing snowballs, eating cake, and making memories. Ryoga had gotten his tongue stuck to a metal pole for fun.


I had spent the night at Ryoma's yesterday. I had actually stayed up until about one because I couldn't sleep. I was too anxious for the gifts and the amazement of everything. As soon as Ryoma's mom Rinko woke up and said we could go downstairs, I immediately bolted out of bed and slid down the banisters to get to the family room. The Christmas tree was lit up, decorated and full of surprises. There were tons of wrapped presents underneath it. When Ryoma finally woke up five minutes later because I was hitting him with a pillow and dropping Karupin on his head, he was in a weird mood. That'll go away in a few minutes.
Within an hour, the entire room was stuffed with tennis balls, rackets, grip tape, and multiple other toys. Karupin got new toys to play with, Nanjiro got magzines, Ryoga and Ryoma got tennis supplies and equipment, Rinko and Nanako got cooking supplies and ingrediants. I got multiple things. I got books, tennis supplies, food, snacks, video games, everything.
And my phone was blowing up nonstop with txts from the other regulars at Seigaku, all of them talking about their Christmas and what they all did.

Eiji hung out with his siblings and drank hot cocoa, talking about their old memories and surprises as little kids while opening gifts and exchanging them.

Momo and Taka-san's families had gotten together to celebrate so they hung out for the day, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying their time together.

Inui, as you would expect, had recieved numerous amounts of pens and notebooks a paper along with new grip tape.

Fuji had spent the holiday with his brother Yuuta and their sister, making new special moments and healing damaged bonds from Seigaku.
Oishi had relaxed and I barely got any details from him except for a brief tale from Eiji about what he does every year.

And Tezuka. Nobody really expected to get a text from Tezuka. But I did know that he had spent it with his parents and grandprents enjoying the holiday. I knew that much from Oishi.

Christmas Day, it was just Ryoma and I. We took a walk in the park enjoyed a peaceful day together after we put all of our new things away.
"Snows falling, bells are ringing, people caroling. It's the perfect Christmas, right Ryoma?" I mused, turning to look over at him. We were seated on a snowy bench with a view over the frozen river and glaring sunlight.
"Hai," Ryoma said, nodding his head. "A good day."
Ryoma looked cold. He'd never admit it though, but he was cold.
I silently stretched my hand out and wrapped my fingers around his own, making an attempt to warm his hands up. He looked down at me and then gave a small smile and leaned back on the bench, relaxing and enjoying the quiet with me. I copied him. After all, it's Christmas Day. And we were going to have the best one together. It's Ryoma and I against the world. Forever.

So, this is not my best writing. I fully get that, but my mind is blank. Literally all I can think about is my show. It goes by three names: Shinbi apartment/ the haunted house anime/ shinbi house. And I only have access to season one. 😭😭 Does anyone know where I can find the rest of the show???
Oh, and thank you for 400 reads! 🥳

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