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Ryoma promised me some fun today. He said we could go Fushimi Inari Taisha. It's a shrine like thing. I have no clue what it actually is, but it looks cool, and Ryoma said he would take me there because he was nice and he loves me and he's Ryoma and Ryoma's suuper nice. I swear, he's one of the nicest kids I've ever met. Everyone else probably thinks he's the hotheaded kid who thinks he's better than everyone. I admit it, Ryoma does have a bit of a competitive side to him. But it proves worth it on his team. He refuses to lose which is partially why Seigaku has won nearly every game since he's joined.
So we did go to see the Fushimi Inari Taisha, but it wasn't as cool as I thought. Still, it was fun hanging out with Ryoma alone again even if the place I chose wasn't as fun.
"Street tennis?" I whined.
"Hai," Ryoma said.
I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please."
"I said yes," Ryoma said, raising an eyebrow at me. My ears turned red as he smirked at me. I stole his cap off of his head and started running away from him.
"Hey! Y/n!" Ryoma shouted, chasing after me as I sprinted to the street tennis courts.
Yeah, so I ended up running through the courts and dodging all the balls. I even ended up running straight past the courts in an effort to play with Ryoma.
"Y/n!" Ryoma yelled. "Get back here!"
I ran forwards and crashed into Momo who had turned the corner unexpectedly. I fell on top of him and then scrambled off of him and started moving again.
"Come and get me, Ryoma!" I shouted, grinning as I waved his hat in the air. Momo grinned at me and then waved his arms as well, snatching the cap from me and then running in front of me. I followed him, Ryoma chasing after me. It didn't take very long until Momo crashed. And this time he crashed into Kaido. Once again, the two of them ended up getting into a fight. I stole the hat from Momo and continued running.
I turned around, running backwards as I taunted Ryoma. I suddenly crashed into someone and fell on the ground, a shadow falling over me.
"Twenty laps," Tezuka scowled.
"Hai, Captain," Ryoma nodded. I grabbed his hat again and took off around the court, running while teasing him and shouting at him. He continued to chase me around the track until my knees buckled and I tripped, causing him to trip on me and then fall on top of me.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Eiji and Momo chanted, both of them running off of their courts. Seems like Momo got out of his argument with Kaido and made it to practice on time without crashing into Tezuka.
I turned bright red when they started yelling that. In fact, I actually ran away from all of them, my usual cockiness down the drain in an instant.

Yeah, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I kinda forgot about it. Also my dog died last week so I've been a bit busy. Also, sorry this is super short.

I'm sorry, what? (Ryoma X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum