11. Kai

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A/N: IT'S BEEN FOREVER I KNOW AND AM SORRY. Recent weeks have shown a sudden spark in reads on this, which is strange but you know what I'm thankful. With the rather large amount of requests I have been DM'd about to please update this story, I figured I better actually do it. That being said, it's been a hot minute since I've seen Ninjago now. On top of that, I'm pretty busy at the moment, so let me know if you find mistakes in this chapter! I'll appreciate it greatly. Anyway, thank you all for your patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please leave comments, they're the only thing that keeps me motivated enough to write these stories. THANKS! ENJOY THE CHAPTER!

You know it's gonna be a shitty day when you wake up covered in sand. Which, honestly, isn't something I had ever thought I would need to say. Whatever the case, waking up in my bed on the Bounty is a whole heck of a lot better than this. My head was pounding as I lay there squinting at the sun. A cough escaped my lips, forcing me to realize I would eventually have to move despite the aching across my whole body. I sat up quickly, spitting sand out of my mouth. I ran my fingers through my hair, causing more sand to fall out.

I hate the feeling of sand in my clothes. It's such an awful thing. And it rubs against your skin and it's irritating and...


Why the hell am I in the middle of the desert?

I stood up. My eyes faltered. Black spots danced in my vision. My head was pounding. My mouth was dry. I must have landed pretty damn hard because I felt like I had gotten hit by a truck. And, in case you're wondering, yes, I do know what that feels like. 

I may have said some words Sensei Wu would not be proud of as I looked around. The memories of all the stuff that went down suddenly came washing back over me. It was unpleasant, to say the least. 

"Okay," I said out loud, exhaling deeply. "This is totally normal. Storm gods blast people into deserts all the time."

I looked around. There was nothing but sand for miles. Well, sand, rocks, a cactus or two, a bird. Not much else.

"Um, guys?" I yelled. "Anyone here? Cole? Lloyd? Nya? Zane? Anyone?"

No response.

"Damn it," I grumbled.

Okay. Get it together, Kai.

I don't know if my friends are alive, I don't know how exactly I ended up here or where I am, and I definitely don't see anyone I could-

"Hiya!" A voice said behind me.

I may have jumped. Just a little. 

"Woah there bud, didn't mean to scare ya,"

My hand immediately flew to where my sword should be strapped to my back. Of course, because I'm so lucky, my hands only wrapped around the air. I turned around to see a short, plump man with golden honey-colored skin wearing khaki overalls over a white t-shirt. He had a scraggly beard, a messy bush of dark hair atop his head, and strikingly bright green eyes. He didn't look very threatening. A little older, smile lines permanently creased into his face, looking like a very country version of Santa Clause. 

"You look a little lost, ain't ya?" He had a strong country accent.

"Do you know where we are?"

"The middle of nowhere, my friend." He chuckled. "Nice costume, by the way. Is it Halloween?"

I brushed some sand off of my gi. "No," I paused, slightly annoyed he didn't know who I am. "I'm a ninja. We've literally saved the city like, a gazillion times."

He shrugged.

"Have you seriously never heard of us?"

"Sure ya didn't hit ya head, pal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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