4: Kai

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Ninjago was doomed. Again. It was kind of an ongoing theme in this place. I don't know why people don't just move to a small little village where there is no daily life-threatening danger. They just don't. But that's beside the point.

So, after Sensei Wu told us about the whole "indestructible" thing, and that orange guy had shown up with his blade pressed to Jay's throat, Nya had gone totally ballistic.

The second the first tiny bead of blood dripped down Jay's throat, she made her move.

She lunged at the orange guy, who had to be at least two feet taller than her. He had purple eyes and razor-sharp teeth, and long, muscular arms. Nya had taken her trident from its place on the table where she had put it and stabbed the orange guy through the eyes.

He turned into lightning bolts and shot upward, disappearing into the roof of the Bounty.

"Jay!" Nya screamed.

"Gosh, Nya," Jay gasped. "That was possibly the most violent thing I've ever seen you do."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a scratch."

Jay was right. There was only a shallow cut where the knife had been.

Suddenly, Cole and Zane ran into the room.

"Reports of an attack on Jamanakai village!"

"We have to get there quick!"

Sensei was the first to react. He went straight to the wheel. "Get the ship in the air,"

Jay, who had been working on fixing the wires for a couple of days now, nodded. He ran over to the spot where the two broken wires were, connected them with a paper clip, moved some stuff around, broke another wire and attached it to the paper clip, and then zapped it with lightning.

"That should let us fly for about two hundred miles." He said.

Nya pulled the lever, and the Destiny's Bounty took flight.

It took us twenty minutes to reach Jamanakai village. By the time we got there, it looked like the entire place was in ruins. Silence filled the air, the only sound was the crackling of the many fires that were scattered throughout the small village. The other ninja and I dropped down into the wreckage from the anchor.

"Wow," Cole muttered. "Are we too late?"

"Hmm! Hmm!"

"Did you hear that?" Lloyd asked.

I nodded. It seemed to have come from a pile of wrecked building materials.

Cole picked up a large piece of cement and threw it to the side. There was a little girl, not much older than Lloyd was when we first met him.

"Are you okay?" Lloyd questioned, helping her out of the wreckage.

Something exploded behind us. We didn't even turn to look.

The girl, shaking and with tears running down her face, nodded.

"What's your name?" Nya asked her.

"Kate," The little girl replied.

"Nice to meet you, Kate. I'm Cole," Cole smiled, trying to comfort the girl. "Can you tell us what happened?"

The little girl nodded again. "I-I was playing soccer with some of my friends, and then all of a sudden these scary orange guys started appearing. It was like lightning was striking the ground. But all the lightning turned into monsters," Kate explained. "And then they just... broke everything."

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