6. Lloyd

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"What are they doing?"

"They're both going to get themselves killed!"

They sure were. What were they thinking? 

"Can't we go any faster?" Nya stood behind Zane, who was steering the Bounty.

"Not without the boosters crashing and us plummeting to the ground at high speeds," Zane replied, his eyes trained ahead of him. "The ship still isn't fully repaired."

"Okay, this fast is good." Kai commented from behind them.

I was about to say something, but the second I opened my mouth, Nya started shouting. 

Nya pushed Zane out of the way. "No, it's not! They're going to get themselves hurt! Or... or..."

I looked at the screen once again. Jay and Cole were completely surrounded. Three of the orange creatures were holding Jay down on the floor, pinning his hands behind his back. Jay was struggling, but it was useless.

This isn't good.

Cole jumped in front of a young girl who was walking by with her mother when a lightning bolt shot at them. It hit him, and he flew over the girl's head and slammed into the wall of the building behind him. But he kept fighting.

He mumbled something under his breath, and although I didn't hear it, I knew what Cole had said.

Ninja never quit.

That was true, yes, but I couldn't help but think that he should have quit. Just leave, I thought leave before you get hurt. We can win this battle later. As a team.

Gale Gossip came back into view, and she smiled, putting the microphone to her mouth.

"Will the ninja make it out alive? Where are the others? Are they going to save our city once again, or will they finally meet their end? Stay tune to find out after a short commercial break."

Kai, standing next to Lloyd, groaned. "Seriously? How can they doubt our ability to save the city? How many times have we saved it?"

"And how many times have we failed?" Nya asked from the wheel.

"Okay, good point. But it always turns out okay in the end," I tried.

"Okay? Yeah, no, I don't agree." Nya grumbled.

I sighed and turned back to the screen, where some guy with a mustache was advertising his prune juice. In the background, lightning was flickering in the sky. Purple lightning.

Then it changed to a way-too-close-up of Dareth. He said a bunch of gibberish about his Karaoke club. Then it cut back to Gale Gossip. Finally.

"And back to Gale Gossip," Fred Finely said. "And I'm Fred Finely, eight time-"

Gale cut him off. "This is not looking good for the Ninja," the camera pointed back towards the fight scene.

I cursed under my breath.

There had to be dozens of those orange creatures. Cole and Jay didn't stand a chance. 

Actually, they didn't stand at all. Both of them we on the ground, Jay still pinned down, and Cole slowly trying to get up from his spot in the street, which was cracked from his elemental strength. Those two idiots. What were they thinking? Why the heck were they fighting all these guys? They need to get out of there. 

"How long until we get there?" Nya asked impatiently.

"Approximately three minutes and forty-seven seconds," Zane replied.

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