Verkwan Special

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Hansol with his mischievous cat smile crosses the counter and walks to the kitchen, there is his favorite Hyung cooking delicacies, baking cupcakes to be specific. With the dexterity of a cat, he moves with silence and grace. And Boo! He scares his beloved Hyung away from him. As he likes to do it.

"Oh!" A not at all masculine cry escapes the older man's lips "Fuck it Vernon, you're going to kill me one of these days."

"No Hyung, don't die, I can't be a widower so young. By the way, what a sexy scream, that's how I want you to scream at night, sweetie" Hansol purrs and winks, turning the older man red. He hugs him, trapping the older man's waist and presses him against his body to then steal a kiss from him that ends in a buttock grip. Or yes, Hansol can't resist his Hyung's ass.

"Hansol!" Seungkwan walks away all red and with his annoyed face. "You will wash the dishes."

"Hyung, don't be like that."

"Don't pout, you're not cute. Now go open the doors, it's about time."

Hansol continues to pout and purr.

"No, and no. If you don't go now, you'll have to wash the dishes for a whole week."

"I'm coming boss" Hansol quickly and fleetingly steals a pick from his beloved Hyung of him, to leave the kitchen triumphant. He opens the doors of the premises, arranges the chairs, cleans the tables. He puts on a cute pink apron that says Sweetie Pinki. His perky little tail twitches eager to get started. He always had fun serving customers. He is a simple waiter, but the coolest of all.

The morning is busy, Hansol does not lose his smile in serving and bothering the girls with flirtatious phrases, the place was always filled by the charming cat. Seungkwan just rolled his eyes at Hansol's flirtations, who then looks at him with a mischievous cat face.

"Don't be mad little bun, my kisses are only for you" Hansol says, stealing a kiss from him in full view of everyone, which he left behind a heated Seungkwan and a laughing Hansol.

The days couldn't be boring with Hansol in Seungkwan's life.

New customers arrive in the afternoon and a lively Seungcheol with the stroller and smiling Mingyu walks through the door.

Hansol immediately makes the little baby laugh and plays with him, before ordering the order, pancake cake for Seungcheol and a pecan pie for Mingyu and for the little one, milk with a mini cake.

Seungkwan approaches them, and holds the baby.

"Every day he is bigger and chubby."

"lele" Says the little one of two years and three months.

Hansol arrives with the food.

"When do we get married Kwannie, or give me a baby muffin? - Says Hansol pouting.

"When you grow up Chwe" Seungkwan answers, getting up from the table, to continue with his tasks. And Hansol gives him a loud slap on the bottom.

"I know your words lie, but when we're alone you tell me something else."

Seungkwan glares at Hansol, then locks himself in the kitchen.

"I have him crazy, after Jihan's wedding, they will go to mine."

“It sure is,” Seungcheol encourages with a smile and then fills his cheeks with the cupcake.

Very short, I know, it took a long time, I know, but he didn't know what to write, his inspiration was on the ground.

Mingyu's Bunny =Cheolgyu=Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu