four:﹙the first meeting﹚

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"keep choking me, your not going to find out" Y/n muttered, catching her breath with a smirk, and pushing his face away while she couldn't see anything but his lips and chin.

Her groans were heard as he stopped choking her and prodded her with his head, pulling her down to the ground and landing on top of her.

A pole swing caused an errant dent in John's car as a result of an errant pole swing. In the face of John's punch, the man who was wearing a black mask rose himself off the ground and dodged all of the punches that he threw at him.

It was then that this masked man decided to jump in the air, and he used both of his feet to kick John onto the ground before he stood up and went to punch the masked man in the face.

It seems that Y/n climbed back up the steps of the car and grabbed a glass piece from the backseat before stabbing it into John's neck, causing the man to groan in pain and gasp for air as he tried to breathe.

As John gasped under Y/n's weight, who was preparing to dig a hole through his neck by digging a glass through his mouth, he was caught under Y/n.

In an instant, Y/n felt a sharp pain in her hip the moment he reached for something she wanted. Having heard this, she began groaning in pain.

After punching her in the face, John sent her flying, sending her to the ground. As a result of this, her nose was bleeding and her ears were ringing.

Upon hearing this, the man in the black mask began to punch John on the ground in response. In the midst of John's attempts to fight back, the man in the black mask grabbed the knife and finished off Y/n's life.

"The man that hired your lawyers, who does he work for?" The black-masked man asked.

In spite of the fact that he was breathing heavily, John did not speak.

"You think I'm afraid of you?" John said. After a moment, the man in the black mask froze and Y/n stood up, wiping the blood from her nose and adjusting her glasses.

The man responded, "No, but you are afraid of her.".

The woman's attention was drawn to John and she reached for a knife in her pocket as the man and the black mask left. After gaining control of him, Y/n stabbed him in the neck without hesitation.

In the absence of being able to see her face, Y/n asked with a grin, "Why don't you tell me about it?".
The man with the black mask stood behind Y/n, "Don't kill him-" He demanded.

While she didn't want to listen, she did so, because she felt as though he was right in his assessment. Her goggles moved up with the push of a button on the earpiece, away from her face into her hair as soon

"Tell me," she whispered, leaning her head toward his ear as she whispered. "Who do you work for?"

"I can't!" He cried in pain before she moved the knife deeper into his neck, she had crazy resting in her eyes; which went with the light frown on her lip, she knew what she wanted from him. Hearing him gasp for air.

The man behind her shouted, "We would like a name.".

While blood began to flow, he cried out in pain, "Oh God! Wilson Fisk!" Y/n closed the mask again, covering her face, "Wilson Fisk!"

His neck was bleeding from the injury that he sustained as a result of being grabbed and pushed to the ground by the man in the black mask. "You get in your car. If I ever see you in Hell's Kitchen again..."

"No." Y/n said shaking her head, "We kill him-"

Holding his neck, John pleaded, "Please do.".

Having witnessed the previous night's events firsthand, Y/N had a clear understanding of the procedure. There was no way they could say it, or else they would die. There would be innumerable deaths among their friend groups, and she herself would die if anyone discovered that she was modifying herself behind a mask.

"You do not wish to test me." The man in the mask said. She held out her hand to stop him from walking forward while they stood with the two of them gazing at John at the same time.

"Do you think this is still about you?" John cried, crouching down in front of me. "I gave up his name. You don't do that to someone you love. He'll find me...and make an example of me...and then he will find everyone I care about...and do the same to that no one ever does what I did." He glanced all around.

It was while Y/N was holding onto the knife that the man, who was unable to see her, stopped her from reaching out to touch her hand.

"You should have just killed me," John said, looking at the woman. "You coward." He looks at the man in the black mask.

After turning around, he leaned against one of the wooden posts of the fence and rested his head on it. A moment later, he raised his head and slammed it against it, impaling it through the eyes, crying before it went silent.

Y/n gaped; she wasn't expecting him to kill himself. The corner of her lip twitched down, as she looked over to the man in black, he didn't have a reaction only twitching his neck to the side a bit.

In the middle of the night, she was feeling sick to her stomach. It is important to note that she is not a monster, she still has limitations. With his mouth agape, the man wearing the black mask looked over in shock.

"What jus-"

"He did it," Y/n said, without showing any emotion. "He fucking killed himself...-"

Almost in a state of panic, the man in the black mask gasped silently and looked as though he was in shock.

"Keep his body here-" The man said. "What are you even doing here?"

"What you are doing..." Y/n asked simply, glancing over to the man, "Trying to protect the people of hell's kitchen.. from men like Fisk"

She was forced to turn her head in the direction of the man in the black mask before she could turn to leave. While he could not see her, he said, "You will get yourself killed.".

"I can take care of myself," she told him before snatching his hand and running away. She jumped from the car and pulled herself up to a balcony before running away.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


here we go, im so exicted to write their bantering, if you had listened to the playlist you would have saw a sneak peek on how they act. Matt's daredevil voice truly does things to me, that nothing else does. 

anyways, thoughts, dont be a silent reader, and thank you for 1k. 

devils advocate ( matt murdock )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang