Who's The Better Choice

Start from the beginning

" Yeah, I am, " Ethan smiled with a cheeky grin.

"  What about Lizzie…. I'm sorry I'm not the type of best friend that's going to date her ex's that's totally against girl's code " I replied dropping my hands on my knees.

" She's with MG now and made it clear she only thinks of me as a friend now …..also I kind of mean to ask you for a while " Ethan responded shrugging his shoulders.

" Wow " I chuckled.

" So, what do you say? " Ethan asked, staring at me deeply.

I was about to answer until I heard a familiar voice in my head. "So you're choosing the meek boy over me are you?"

Closing my eyes tightly I groaned back to him in my head. "Now is not the time, Ken!"

"I think it is Clarisse. You are destined to be mine!" He declared in the tone that he used when he said he owns me.

"  I am not yours and until you can accept that I am not your object and not harm my friends…. stay away from me " I yelled back.

Ethan gave me a confused look glancing around the room. "Um, who exactly are you talking to?"

"If you keep resisting me I might just have to come after the meek boy. Mark my word, Clarisse!" Keh threatened to cause me to create a fireball in my hands growling at him.

"  Don't threaten him until you can grow up and stop being such a dick then I don't want anything to do with you"

Ken scoffed at my annoyance. "You say that now but you will be mine, darling!"

"  I am not some object that you own… I am a person and I'm tired of you treating me like some prize, I don't belong to you and I'm not yours "

" Um, Clarisse, are you alright? " Ethan asked, cutting me from my thoughts, looking at me in concern.

" Yes , I'm fine, " I smiled at him.

" Okay, so maybe we can go to grill together later this week or like catch a movie or something " Ethan said.

" That would be lovely, " I responded.

Ethan smiled widely, grabbing my hand with his squeezing it tightly, I squeezed his hand back.

Perhaps, Lizzie was right maybe Ken wasn't right for me and I should find someone more fitted for my personality.

At Jen's warehouse, the family of gods gathered around in the living room eating pizza and watching some soapy reality show, surprisingly the siblings were getting along okay though they said they despised their sister Jen for betraying them and locking them up into coffins.

Soon, they heard a loud crash coming from upstairs and suddenly thunder began to boom from outside…. Rain soon erupted from outside.

Jen glanced at her siblings who stared at her with a worried look and knew their father was very upset and angry which wasn't good.

" We should check up on him, " one of them said.

"  And what good will that do Layla " Jen said, staring at her younger sister.

" Well, I'm not doing it " one of them added.

" Always the coward Jarred huh " Layla scoffed, staring at her older brother.

" Daniel, " Jen asked, glancing at her other brother who shook his head.

" Brandon, Alander '' Layla asked turning to look at her other brothers who crossed their arms against their chest.

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