What He Wants

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Running through the muddy streets I fell on the ground crying on my knees in some wet puddles. I never expected to accidentally kill someone let alone the only guy who has taken an interest in me. Jacob is someone I met in the foster system and we hit it off so we decided to go out for ice cream. "This can't be happening. Jacob please. Jacob, come on, don't be dead." I cried, shaking his shoulders as he laid on the ground with a broken neck.

We were simply walking down the street before a guy tried to rob us but I found some sort of strength throwing the guy into the wall. The attacker grabbed me but I threw him accidentally into Jacob where they both got their necks broken. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Jacob..." But he didn't wake up...he was dead and it was my fault.

"Wait so an all powerful God just let you go. He doesn't seem like the type of person." Lizzie raised a brow walking through the hallway with me. She was right, it didn't make sense to me. The God man craved power. That's why he came after Hope so he could be the most powerful creature on the planet.

Leaning against the wall I crossed my arms eyeing her. "He's not and that's not even the weirdest part."

"What's that?" She tilted her head to the side, slightly curious.

Biting my lip I felt my face turn red a little remembering the kiss that happened the other day. I wasn't lying when I said he was my first kiss. Jacob and I never kissed and after the horrible night I have never got closer to any boys. "He...um...kissed. We...kissed."

"Clarisse, are you being serious right now!" Lizzie nearly jumped up into the air grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me around a little.

Grasping her forearms I stopped her from shaking my brain around anymore. Her eyes locked onto mine waiting for me to explain more. "Liz, yes it happened. It's not a big deal."

She scoffed with a roll of her eyes clearly not liking my answer. "Oh that's ridiculous, Clari. Of course it's a huge deal. He was your first kiss. Granted he tried to kill us all but he was still your first kiss."

Slumping my shoulders I turned on my heels entering our room but I halted in my tracks seeing the God sitting on the foot of my bed. "Unbelievable. Will you please stop following me? You're starting to become a stalker!"

Ken smirked, resting his hands on his knees not moving an inch. He's still wearing the golden armor. "You know I can't do that, Clarisse. The bond we have is becoming too strong."

Lizzie vamp speed in the room resting a hand on my shoulder concerned in her voice. "What's going on? I heard someone else's voice.." Her eyes went bug seeing the God sitting on my bed.

"Hello little witch. Have you come to try and control my power yet again?" He teased where she started to create a fireball but I put my hand in front of her chest giving her a warning look.

Whipping my head around to him, my hair falling over my shoulders I don't understand why he's here exactly. "What do you want. I already told you before I'm not going to fall for your charm. And I don't believe in this bond crap. So if you're here for a fight or something just leave. I'm not going to let you try and kill my friends!" Raising my voice, my eyes flashing the golden color.

"That's not why I'm here, Clarisse. I have no reason to come against your friends..." He rose to his feet slowly walking over till he was standing straight in front of me. His green eyes trailing down to mine. "On one condition.."

Blinking my eyes a couple times lifting my head up I dared to ask the question. Not really sure what his answer might be. I just hope it's not that I sleep with him. "What could you possibly want from me, Ken. I thought you said you weren't the type of man to ask for things."

Ken softly reached up brushing hair behind my ear whispering down to me. "Go on a date with me tonight. That is my request, Clarisse."

I nodded knowing I had no choice but to agree. Lizzie grasped my arm slightly excited at the thought. "We have to decide what you're gonna wear!"

I looked at her as if she was crazy, " I'm not dressed up for him... I'm going to be myself " I whispered.

"Would you care if I pick you up here or somewhere else later tonight?" He asked me as I closed my eyes, grumbling under my breath.

"Here. Considering I don't know how I got to your storage house in the first place, remember. Now can you leave this is too weird." I want him gone so I can process what tonight would mean.

Ken takes a step forward planting a kiss to my check where I bite my lip feeling my face turn red. "I'll see you later, Clari." Shooting my eyes open he was gone the second I realized he used the nickname Lizzie gave me.

" We need to dazzle you up " Lizzie squealed and headed towards my closet, the Heretic began to throw clothes onto the bed looking through it.

" Um no " I mumbled.

" Look, it's clear he's into you and seems to like you.... we can use this to our advantage " Lizzie said.

" He doesn't like me, " I protested.

" He does, look you have to seduce him. Get his guard down somehow." She explained back to me where I scoffed flopping down on my bed groaning at her. There was no possible way that he would trust me and honestly if I did succeed what would we gain from this.

"Lizzie, why do I have to do any of this? He's tried to kill us all?"

" You are the key to us turning this whole thing around, Ken could've killed you when he had the chance but he spared you " Lizzie repiled.

" I don't know Liz, I still don't think this is a good idea " I signed, staring down at the ground.

" Everything will be fine, all you need is the perfect motivation " Lizzie smirked, grabbing something from her closet and handing it to me along with some high heel shoes.

I stared at the dress and stared at it in awe but immediately noticed the short length of the dress. It was a beautiful sleeveless red dress with gold lace

" This is too short, " I commented in disgust, not used to wearing anything like it.

" Exactly, this dress will show off your sexy body along with killer tone legs, " Lizzie smiled.

" I don't have any curves " I defended.

" You do if only you show it off more " Lizzie commented.

" Just try it on, " Lizzie encouraged me.

" Alright " I signed, putting it on with the snap of my fingers using my magic, I soon looked in the mirror. Surprisingly she was somewhat right and prayed I knew what I was doing.

" You looked beautiful, " Lizzie said, standing next to me.

" Now, all we need to do is glam you up " Lizzie beamed.

Turning to my heretic friend I nodded simply playing with a loose strand of my hair. "Just nothing too crazy, Liz. Remember I can still rip him apart if I wanted to."

" You can put all your skills to use in seducing him into bed, '' Lizzie advised with a devilish smile.

"Elizabeth Saltzman!" I shouted throwing my hands up in the air blushing like a fire truck. "

" What, you may even end up liking it.... I mean I heard gods are very talented and gentle in bed from what Wade says " Lizzie rambled out.

" Just stop, " I cried out.

" Fine, I will for now but remember don't carve into him " Lizzie said.

Glaring her direction, shaking my head at the thought where in a few hours I'd be having a date with a God.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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