Who Wears The Key?

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QueenieAla thank you for helping me write this

Ken's POV
I need to meet that girl. There's something that draws me to her. And I don't know why. It must be that she's strong like me or some sort of light...the only thing I know is I must have her as mine.

I made my way through my daughter's worship and stared at the sarcophagus that held my other children. Jen was munching down on her second burger when she noticed her father beginning to look around her workshop.

"Where's the key? " I demanded, turning to stare at my daughter.

"Give me one good reason I should give you the key." She scoffed, making me growl at her question.

"Give me the key now or perhaps you would like to find yourself in a torture chamber " I threatened.

My daughter slumped her shoulders walking over to a secret compartment opening it and pulling out the key. She holds it in front of me where I reach for it but as soon as I touch it. The key suddenly disappeared in the air.

"What is the meaning of this, if this is another trick of yours dear daughter you better pray to another god for I will not put up with any more of your foolishness" I growled.

"Dad, I swear I had nothing to do with this... the key just vanished " Jen defended

"Enough with your lie daughter, where is the key " I demanded.

"I don't know " Jen yelled out throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"Watch your tone " I warned.

She throws her hands up walking away from me. "If you're so powerful, find it yourself. But I didn't do anything!" Running a hand through my hair I needed to find that key before someone else found it.

Clarisse's POV
Running through the school I saw my best friend talking with Hope where I looked down at the necklace hanging around my neck. Lizzie sneaks out the back while I waited behind one of the pillars seeing a guy wearing golden armor. He's wearing a flower crown on his head made of gold. Sucking in a breath I felt my heart skip a beat cheeks turning red. He looks exactly like the picture I drew and saw in my dreams. Meaning Lizzie was right that he is in fact Ken the God. Hope slowly walked forward carrying a sword in her right hand. "My father stood for family above everything. This school is my family, so if you want to hurt them, you're gonna have to go through me." Her tribrid eyes glow gold.

"They sent a little girl to challenge a god? I'm almost insulted." He replied in a taunting manner his eyes turned gold for a second too.

She raised her freehand creating a ball of fire throwing it at him. "Maybe you'll feel better once you see what I can do."

"Magic doesn't work on a god." He spoke not affected by it at all.

Hope pointed out with a slight smirk. "No, but it can be very distracting." Lizzie appears behind Ken her hands turning red as she grabs the sides of his head. In an attempt to siphon his god magic from his body to weakon him. But the wind blew throwing her backwards alongside Hope.

"Be careful what you wish for, child. It took me a lifetime to control all of my power." Ken slowly walked forward choking her by the neck holding her off the ground. He then threw her where she gets impaired with a metal fence pole but thankfully it didn't hit her heart.

Hope and I both cried in unison. "Lizzie!"

She got to her feet swinging her sword but he raises his hand throwing her backwards into the dirt again. Rushing forward I quickly transformed into my werewolf form having a light brown fur coat. Growling up at Ken I stand in front of Hope who lays on the ground behind me. He slowly walks up a smirk on his face. "Now you are impressive. What's your name, girl?"

I growled at him annoyed and started to run towards him. Leaping off my back legs I managed to knock him flat on his back. I began to claw at him, He grabbed me shoving me off where I rolled getting some bruises so I transformed back into my human form. "What are you going to do - kill me to show how powerful you are, dickhead!"

He walked over toward me and bent down in front of me, his eyes began to glaze up and down at my naked body in lust and hunger...I soon delivered a slap across his face and pushed him away from me. "You'll pay for that child -" He cut himself short eyes locking onto the necklace around my neck. "You have the key!"

"Key, what are you talking about?" I spat watching him remove his cap throwing it over me. He picked me up waving his right hand knocking me out into his arms before I could fight against him.

Comments really appreciated

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