I Prefer Plan A

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"Lizzie!" I shouted spinning on my feet facing the blonde heretic. "We...he's...he's not who we think he is.."

"Don't tell me you've fallen for him " Lizzie signed in disbelief at my words a few seconds ago.

"Of course not, I'm just saying perhaps we are wrong about him " I said, throwing my hands away from my sides hoping that I am not blushing red.

"Clarisse, are you really that clueless? " a voice said behind her causing me to tilt my head over her shoulder seeing Hope standing behind her.

"He's obviously using you to get to me, I mean he wants me dead to reclaim the title of the most powerful species in the world, " Hope scoffed shaking her head at me

I attempted to defend myself to the Tribrid hearing my breath shaking a little. "You don't know that..."

Hope stomped down the steps standing in front of me in the exact spot where Ken tried to kill all three of us not so long ago. She throws her hands up in the air, annoyance in her tone. "He came here to kill us unless his daughter turned herself in. He wants to kill me all because he needs to keep his title of being the most powerful. From what I've seen I don't think he trusts anyone. He just wants to control people and as your friend I don't want him to break your heart."

"Hope, that's not going to happen. I know how to guard my heart just like you did until you met Landon. If anyone can understand that I thought it would be you." I barked back regretting my words the second I said it.

Her eyes flashed the golden wolf color and I saw some tears in hers when mentioning Landon's name. "I do understand, Clarisse. It's just - we need to talk this over with the squad." She turned on her heels heading back inside reluctantly Lizzie and I followed after her.


Later on, I was currently in the library with Lizzie, Hope along with Dr. Saltzman and the super squad discussing the latest events that had happened.

" Wait, let me get this straight, Clarisse here is mated to Ken and now we're suppously should take his word that he's not going to attack our school again, it's obviously a trap " Kaleb said.

" Gods aren't capable of love anyway, I mean from my recent visions of the gods they're not exactly known as being gentle and kind " Cleo added.

" You don't even know him, " I said, staring at Cleo.

" You don't either Clari and you're obviously falling for him his charms it's a trick, he's the god of death, destruction, arsenal and everything else in between " Hope exclaimed.

" I'm not " I barked back, getting frustrated that they think that about me.

" Maybe, this isn't a bad thing after all... I mean we can use this to our advantage " MG spoke up.

" Yeah, Clarisse, you can lure him and we can finish him off once and for all, " Kaleb added.

Whipping my head around I scoffed at the plan and felt anger rise in my eyes, " No, I won't let you guys hurt him "

" Why are you defending him Clari, he's a bad dude.... he and Ben tried to kill us all and now you want to protect him " Kaleb scoffed.

" He really has brainwashed you alright, " Kaleb added, making me clutch my hands into fists at my side, accidentally breaking some of the lights on the ceiling.

" Clarisse, just calm down okay " Lizzie said in a calming tone since I was clearly angry.

" No, I won't not.... I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm a traitor I'm not " I yelled.

" It doesn't look that way to us Clarisse " Hope commented.

" Clarisse, I think it would be best for you to stay away from him for a while, perhaps I can ask Caroline if you can stay with her in Europe for a while ." Dr. Saltzman suggested to me, I slumped my shoulders, not finding another way around this. But it wasn't like he wouldn't find me thanks to the soulmate bond.

" Alright, a guess a trip to Europe won't be so bad, '' I said.

" Lizzie will accompany you to keep an eye on you just in case you feel the need to try to reach out to him " Dr. Saltzman added.

" Hey, I may be sexual attracted to him but I'm not in that deep " I blurted out flashing my hybrid eyes in his direction.

Lizzie grabbed my hand dragging me back towards our room to go pack for the trip. Shoving one hand into the jacket I was wearing over the dress I felt something. Almost like it was the necklace or key thing back in my grasp.

Once we made it back to our room, Lizzie instantly grabbed two suitcases from the closet and lay them on the bed, she immediately began to pack. "I finally get to see mom and Josie again after so long, " Lizzie exclaimed happily.

" Liz, are you sure it's okay if I accompany you? I mean I don't want to intrude.... I mean I could always find somewhere else to stay for the time being " I asked.

" Clari, you're a part of our family, of course I don't mind besides at least now we can go shopping together down the streets of Europe together which I've always wanted to do " Lizzie answered.

" Yeah " I smiled.

I continued to twirl around with my necklace and for some reason began to feel my heart clutch, something in me told me it was wrong. Regardless I knew if Ken wanted to see me...he would find me no matter where I was.

Ken's POV

At the warehouse my daughter was eating more burritos when I came out of my room eyeing her. "The friends of my mate are getting on my nerves, daughter."

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Jen asked, her mouth full of food.

Hitting my hands on the table in front of my daughter and growled. "I need to teach them a lesson!"

" I won't recommend it dad, you'll lose Clarissa for good if you do anything to her friends " Jen said.

Rolling my eyes at my daughter I wasn't in the mood for this. I needed to see her again and it hadn't been that long since the date. "They are trying to keep us apart. What exactly would you suggest I do, daughter?"

" Maybe, you should stay away from her a bit until you cool down.... you may say the wrong thing to her or possibly hurt her

Glaring at her it was ridiculous to think that I would do that. "If I wished to hurt her I would have already slept with her without her wishes being met."

"That's my advice, dad. Take it or leave it." She replied, going back to eating her food.

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