God's Prisoner

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Rubbing my eyes I groaned waking up. Brushing my fingertips over a soft bed seeing small metal chains around my wrists. Footsteps entered the room where I whipped my head in the direction seeing the God man enter the room still wearing the armor. "Good you're awake. Now we can have a discussion."

"I'm not discussing anything with you, you're my kidnapper after all!" I snapped, flashing my golden eyes at him.

He slowly walks up sitting at the foot of the bed smirking. His green eyes staring me up and down. "Fiery spirit I like that in a woman." I want to gag at his words remembering that he had seen me naked after I transformed from my wolf form. "You're powerful like I am aren't you dear. What other powers do you possess?"

Crossing my arms over my chest wincing as the chains got tighter I turned my head away from him. "I'm not telling you anything. I'm not an idiot you'll torture me until I cough up the information you want. So I'm not saying another word!" Biting my tongue I mentally kicked myself for wanting to look in his eyes still. Like something that was drawing me to him like it had in the weird dreams I was having.

"What if I tell you something about me to make you more comfortable?" He asked where I glanced back to him from the corner of my eye. "My name is Ken and I have a lot of children."

Mumbling under my breath I still avoid his gaze. "I'm Clarisse, Clarisse Montana...abandoned by my parents." I paused looking down at the necklace I'm still wearing. "You said you're looking for a key...how is this a key exactly?"

"I'm unaware of how it was turned into a piece of jewelry. But I must say it looks beautiful on you." I raised my brows at him, annoyed when he slumped his shoulders while still talking. "Anyway the key is supposed to open the coffins to free my family."

"I didn't know that " I mumbled and slipped it off my neck handing it to him.

He takes it from my hands holding it as if it would break almost. "Why exactly were they locked up in the first place. Were you afraid they'd want your power or something?" I asked tilting my head to the side finally looking him in the eye but only for a split second.

"No one of your concern child" He grumbled instantly when I rolled my eyes at him seeing he's clearly closed off and power hungry.

"Will you release me now seeing as you have or are you going to kill me. Whatever you decide just get it over with quickly " I exclaimed, closing my eyes ready to be done with this and was ready to face my final demise but instead he took off the chains from my hands and threw them across the room.

"You can go but this is the only mercy I shall show you this once " Ken said sternly staring at me coldly.

I nodded and climbed out of the bed but soon cursed out when I noticed I was naked as name day. Turning my back to him I yanked the sheets off the bed and wrapped it around quickly wrapping it around myself blushing at the ground. Regretting that I had turned into my wolf form only to get captured anyway. "Um....could you...uh." I smacked myself on the head not being able to finish a full sentence.

I shook my head and quickly left the room and made my way downstairs where I saw Jen sitting down eating a burrito. She soon noticed my presence and stared at me, "Oh, hey dude... I see you've met my father " Jen greeted with an awarded smile.

"So how was he, he wasn't rough with you right... sometimes he can be a beast in bed trust me asking his other lovers " she added.

"Nothing happened " I blurted out feeling a headache coming on

"Oh, really wow... I assumed my father would take you into his bed. I mean every woman he comes across by he feasts on them like meat " Jen exclaimed, staring at me confused.

"Um, do you know if there's a taxi or subway nearby here? " I asked, ready to leave before this got any more awkward.

"Sorry, dude this isn't really a city area I live in " Jen mumbled while still eating her food.

" Okay, um do you have a phone? I need to make a call to someone if you don't mind " I questioned.

"What's a phone? " Jen asked in confusion. Covering my face with my hand I moaned praying that Lizzie or Hope would find me.

"You know what, never mind... I'm going to go " I said, turning on my heels to leave. "Do you have any clothes I could borrow?"

Jen nodded, setting her burrito down, leading me down a hallway. Sucking in a breath I wished my magic worked on God's because I didn't want to have to turn into a wolf again. Jen passed me a long t-shirt and some shorts, "They may be a bit big on you but it should fit "she mumbled.

I slid on the clothes and thanked her again before walking out of the warehouse, I closed the door behind me.
I began to walk down the street trying to find a payphone or something, Not finding anything I wrapped my arms around myself wanting to feel warm. The wind whistled in my ear as I smelled someone behind me. Pausing in my steps I turned around feeling someone vamp behind me about to bite my neck. I tried kicking him away right as someone snapped their neck causing him to drop at my feet. Holding a hand to my neck I gasped, eyes locked onto a figure I couldn't believe had come to my rescue. "You..."

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