Golden Charm

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Someone starts shaking me awake where I jolted up flashing my hybrid face at whoever it was only to be greeted by my favorite blonde witch. "Lizzie, you're back. I can't believe it!" I cheered throwing my arms around her in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Clari. I just got so emotional over what Hope did to my father. But she's alive...even though she killed me." She replied flipping hair out of her eyes.

Knitting my brows together I gasped in confusion. "Killed you. Lizzie are you saying?" She revealed her fangs creating the veins underneath her eyes. "Wicked. You're a hybrid like me now."

"Technically I'm a heretic." She chuckled pulling me in for another hug. Lizzie and I quickly became friends quickly when I joined her father's school. I have been in and out of foster systems since my parents just left me so I keep my heart closed. The witch siphon broke in a little because she fights herself everyday. Where we question why we weren't someone's first choice.

Climbing out of my bed I pull on a green sweatshirt and leggings with some short brown boots. Lizzie and I looped arms heading down stairs where I gasped seeing everyone gathered downstairs in front of a banner that said happy birthday. Today I turned eighteenth. Covering my mouth with my hands I gasped turning to my best friend. "Lizzie, are you serious. You didn't have to do this."

She squeezed my hand in hers shaking her head with a smile. "Yes I did. You deserve it."

"Well birthday girl. You got lucky there's no full moon tonight so the wolves can party outside in the woods with us." Hope walked up handing me a cupcake with a candle on top.

Closing my eyes I blew out the candle about to take a bite when the front door bell rang. Handing my cupcake to Lizzie I opened the door seeing the mail guy standing on the doorstep holding a small box in his arms. "Does Clarisse Montana live here?"

"I'm her, why?" I questioned since we didn't really get visitors at the school unless it was the sheriff.

The man hands me the box explaining. "This package suddenly out of nowhere just appeared in the back of my truck."

"What's inside it?" I asked turning the box in my hands since it was a very small form.

He shrugged his shoulders waving bye without another word driving off in his truck. "Don't know. Just thought I should bring it to you. Have a good day."

Closing the door with my foot Hope and Lizzie came over taking notice of the box where I started tearing off the tape not remembering that I ever purchased anything. "That was weird. We Don get visitors from town too much. Are you sure it's not a trap?" Hope leaned into me having her guard up creating a fire ball in her hands just in case.

"I'm just certain it's my birthday, Hope. That's it." I replied slowly lifting the lid off the tiny box.

Lizzie leaned her head trying to get a better view. "Is that a necklace?"

Picking it up in my hands I released a breath admiring that it was the most beautiful yet simplest thing I have ever seen. It's a necklace with a gold chain. It is in the shape of a heart that is colored red. "It's gorgeous...I'm keeping it."

"What if it's dangerous, Clarisse?" Hope spat not liking the idea.

"Let her live a little. It's a pretty gift. Who it came from doesn't matter at the moment. Let's celebrate." Lizzie glared lightly at the tribrid seeing a smile grace my face for the first time in a long while.

By the time I got up to my bedroom I was exhausted from the night of partying. Changing into a tank top and shorts I got into the bed not bothering to take the mystery delivery of the necklace off. Laying my head on the pillow I played with it in my hands grinning softly. Growing up I never imagined having something this special. I am grateful for the night that Lizzie's mom found me outside another foster family since I had accidentally killed someone at school. I just got angry when a boy tried to take from my lunch. The Salvatore School is the first place I have felt safe in. "Did you enjoy the present you got?"

Whipping my head around I jolted up in the bed seeing nobody is in the room. But I know I heard a man's voice talk to me. "What the hell. Who's there?"

Something flashed in front of my eyes where I scooted against the headboard hearing the foosteps stop. My eyes trailed up a guy's body seeing he has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He slowly sits down at the end of the bed flashing me a smile. "Hello, darling. My name is Ken."

"Clarisse Montana...who the hell are you?" I trailed off pulling the covers closely to my chest not trusting that he isn't a serial killer or something.

Ken replied where his eyes flashed gold for a second. "I am God."

Comments really appreciated

Here's the start. Send me anything on Ken personally I don't want to get it wrong.

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