Bonding with your #1 Enemy

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Surprise I'm updating this book again!

Warning: The following is rated E for Everyone just some warnings.

- Bad Grammar (As per usual)

- Wholesomeness

- Bowser hanging out with Mario! although this is uh a fact! :)

- Drama and a bit of comedy

If this is bad I'm so sorry in advance I haven't wrote on here in forever.
It was a norm- ahem somewhat normal day in the mushroom kingdom. Bowser was just walking around Peach's castle he was just trying to find Mario and hangout with him.

Of course the toads were scared of him. "BOWSER IS HERE! RUN!" They started panicking.

"I am not here to cause any harm! I just want to hangout with Mario! where is he?" Bowser asked.

"He's right there!" One of the Toads pointed at Mario who was just relaxing under a tree watching Herotube.

"Perfect." Bowser walked over to Mario.

Mario was still relaxing he was also eating some popcorn. "This is the life...No Bowser no kidnapping just relaxation."

"ROAR!!!" Bowser roared loudly.

"MAMA MIA!" Mario jumped up in fear and he spilled most of his popcorn on the ground. He also dropped his phone. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU FAT KOOPA? I WAS JUST RELAXING AND THIS HAPPENS!" He was getting very mad now.

"Sorry Mario! Anyway I was wondering if I can hangout with you?" Bowser asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"Hanging out with you sounds like the end of the world." Mario crossed his arms and he rolled his eyes.

"No need to get upset plumber. I just want to hangout! I know we are enemies but we can do some fun stuff together! And I can take you out to eat!" Bowser grinned.

"Huh?" Mario raised an eyebrow.


Bowser sweatdropped.


"SORRY MARIO!" The Toads started picking up the popcorn on the ground.

"That's a bit strict. But I like it! Bwahaha!" Bowser chuckled.

"I didn't want to be violent and use a power up so being strict was probably the best choice." Mario shrugged.

"Nice. So about the hanging out thing are you in?" Bowser asked.

"Eh sure all I have been doing was watching Herotube before you distracted me. I honestly thought you were just coming to kidnap Peach and lose again haha!" Mario chuckled.

"Sweet let's go! We are starting at the restaurant first! See you then plumber!" Bowser walked away.

"Wait up!" Mario followed Bowser.

At the restaurant
Bowser and Mario both arrived at the restaurant it was a restaurant with only spicy foods in the menu.  The waiter sat them both at the table.

"Let me know when you are both ready to order!" The waiter giggled and walked away.

"Seems like someone is immature. Anyway Mario get whatever you want it's going to be worth it." Bowser smirked and he looked at the menu.

Bowser oneshots!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu