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There was one thing in life Dazai hated most. Odasaku. He didn't hate him at all means no, he just hated how the man made him feel. He broke his wall, he broke his mask. He broke his act. He made him break, break how he was taught to act for Mori, this man made him break. Dazai knew he was broken as well, not much he could do now. Mori couldn't touch the toy anymore, as he was gone from there for years. The toy has been away from its owner, its broken. Other people broke him as what happens with toys, or that's what he thinks. 

Dazai touched the book, he regretted it quickly but he couldn't stop. He had started this and could not stop no matter what. He found a good one for the time being but it didn't work out either. Oda ended up dead anyways, in this universe Dazai just happened to fake being good. Not much different from other universe's he's been to. He just misses home, this toy has been away from its owner for far to long.


"Dazai..." The man sat on his knees in front of the mafia boss, he nodded in acknowledgement. The man sighed tilting the toys head up, "Y'know you aren't to leave for that long." Dazai nodded, "They had captured me, I couldn't do anything I'm sorry..." A slap could be heard across the room, "You escaped them you just should've done it earlier, now go Chuuya is looking for you." Dazai nodded quickly standing up, placing a quick kiss on the bosses cheek, leaving the room to find his partner.


He sighed just wondering why he was stuck in the universes unless he made a new one, he just wanted to go home, to see original Chuuya. He wanted to be held, he knew toys weren't supposed to want to be held but he did. Even if it was by Mori he just wanted to be held, and he knew how to get that from either of them. It was just a matter of getting home to do said thing. He missed his fiance, he didn't miss the job though. 

He knew what he was doing here in this universe was wrong but he didn't care. Dragging more and more to the port mafia to leave them at some point. It seems the toy just loves to make people cry, he was good at it anyways so why not use it against people? He looked at Fukuzawa who was making dinner for him. "Y'know Dazai, doing this isn't good for your health. You need to get home." He sighed, "I-I can't I don't know how Fukuzawa." The other looked at the broken toy laying on his couch, "I know Osamu but I can show you, I haven't done it before but I was taught how to use the book." He nodded, taking the food from his father.


The man sighed knowing he was out of that universe. He had come back thanks to the help of his father, though now said man was gone. More or less just changed but he doesn't have the memories Dazai does, no-one does. Everyone doesn't know what had happened in the universes. That would be a good thing Fukuzawa said but Dazai missed them now. He missed home and its truly better here but he missed the memories there, the people. No-one seemed to like him as much as they did there, here Yosano was best friends with the man he shared many memories with, Ranpo seemed to notice something wrong with Dazai. The suicidal one also realized time stops in other universes when he leaves. 

Great just great he was gone for years and no-one even knew he was gone because no-one could do anything at all while he was. He wondered, what year was it even here? He walked to the port mafia to go in and Mori acted like he had been gone for decades. The man walked in and went straight to Mori's office getting on his knees in front of the mafia boss before he could even react. The boss was confused but smiled tilting Dazai's head up, "Why my toy came back after that long time hasn't he?" Dazai nodded as Mori watched his every move, "Why did you ever leave Dazai you left and broke but if your back now you can be fixed. Don't worry Darling I don't mind fixing you." Dazai nodded and tilted into the warmth of his owner.

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