the end

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Shuichi cried but he didn't show any signs he was crying just the tears and the noises

Shuichi was in pain not wanting to live any Longer he went outside

His eyes were red and tired his tears were worm and streaming down his cheeks but this time there were no noises

He walked a while to get to his destination with a bag full of idems

When he reached it it was where him and it was a big tree purplish leaves that reminded him of kokichi

He pulled a note he wrote ahead of time and stapled it to the tree

"I no longer belong in this world, I wish the best apon my family and friends and I hope I see them all in the next life but as if the reader who sees my lifeless body please tell everyone I want to be by my beloved kokichi and his stone should be restored as my last wish, thank you and goodbye world."

With that shuichi pulled out a rope out of the bag and climbed the tree tying a noose and tying it to the tree

Shuichi raped the noose around his neck  and jump with a snap

Blood dripped from his neck as his life was token from him instantly

Shuichi had a last tear running from his cheek

Months pasted with no one finding shuichi's body and his neighbors stared to worry so they called the police when they found he was missing and called a search group to find him

That's when the note and shuichi was found but his body was decaying and rotting with maggots and flys around his body.

After his family found out they move to some other place to try and get over shuichi

But Shuichi found his peace next to kokichi in the grave yard.

The end

(Hope you enjoyed this story and sorry if it was cringe or bad Idk what I was doing but let me know if you enjoyed, till next time :])

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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