Chapter 8

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Welcome to chapter 8!

Its been a while so sorry but now I'm back to updating my stories.

Start of recap...

Y/N waited for Sarah to climb a little higher before climbing themselves, they look wearly at the ladder before climbing themselves. Sarah starts climbing before Y/N knowing her sibling wants to keep her safe and infront of of them at all times it wa shut how y/N was with their Sister and brother.

As they climbs Hoggle Yells down at the Human so they could hear him. "You see, you've gotta understand my position. I'm a coward and Jareth scares me." He tells them making Y/N think of the Goblin King and blush before focusing of climbing the very unstable ladder.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

"What kind of position is that?" Asks Sarah as Al lthree Continue to climb the annoyingly long ladder. "No position. That's my point. And you wouldn't be so brave if you'd ever smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench. It's, it's, it's--" Stails of Hoggle thinking about the Bog of eternal stench.

"Is that all it does, is smell?" Asks Sarah making Hoggle scoff Y/N was wondering the same thing and Sarah beat them to asking.

"Oh believe me, that's enough. But the worst thing is, if you so much as put a foot in the Bog of Stench, you'll smell bad for the rest of your life. It'll never wash off."Says Hoggle Y/N shudders to fall into the Bog.

Soon they climb out of a big stone jug outside in the middle of the Labrinth. "Here we are then. You're on your own from now on." Says Hoggle as he walks away from the two humans.

"What?"Exclaimed both Sarah and Y/N eyes wide in shock.

"That's it. I quit."

"Wait a minute. Hoggle!" Exclaims Sarah following behind Hoggle with Y/N who was wondering what part of the Labrinth they wee currently in.

"I didn't promise nothin'! I said I'd take you as far as I could go." Argued Hoggle.

"You little cheat! You nasty little cheat!" Yells Sarah.

"Now don't try to embarrass me. I've got no pride." Says Hoggle still trying to wlak away from the two humans.

"oh yeah?" Says Sarah as she quickly grabs hoggle's jewels that are around his waist. Hoggle tries to grab them but Sarah holds them away from him. "mm, but them's my jewels, no you give them back, give 'em back, give those back" he demands.

Sarah waves the jewels in the air, hoggle tries to get them, but is held back by sarah before she throws the bag of jewels to Y/N who is alot taller than Sarah so Hoggle doesn't bother.

Sarah smirks and looks around her "now, there's the castle, which way should we try?" She says to herself, Hoggle looks at Y/N and focuses more on the jewels than listening to Sarah.

"them's my rightful property, it's not fair" he said sounding like Sarah. Y/N looks down at him "no, it isn't....but that's the way it is" Y/N trails of as sarah hears someone walking over.

She turns around and sees the wiseman approaching the area the wiseman's hat happens to be a talking bird, has he sits down, sarah and hoggle make their way toward him with Y/N following behind them wondering who the new person is.

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