I nodded. "Good tips, Mr. Rylan."

"Don't listen to him." Mrs. Rylan added disapprovingly to her husband.

"Why not? It's good advice." He countered. "It even works when you want to get rid of things. Ever noticed your diminishing candle collection, honey?"

Mrs. Rylan gapped at him. "You did not." One thing I've learned about Mrs. Rylan is to not mess with her candle collection. She has spent years on added the perfect candles to it. She will hunt you down if you break one or accidentally misplace it. Mr. Rylan just grinned as he walked towards the kitchen. "Matt, I will burn your watch collection. Don't try me!" She shouted following directly after her husband.

I laughed as I overheard their bickering. "Those are my parents for you." Nate said removing his jacket and hanging near the door, his cream colored sweater made his dark blue eye stand out.

"What's a marriage without small spats?" I told him and he shook his head.

"Peaceful." He pointed out as we approached the kitchen.

I glanced down to the container on his hands. "You actually made the pumpkin roll." Excitement filled me.

He nodded happily. "This bitch took three tries, but I finally perfected it." Nate said proudly. "And of course I did, you requested it. I couldn't let you down."

I smile as I felt his eyes linger on me for a moment. That was sweet. "Thanks Nate. That's why I keep you around." I patted his shoulder.

He scoffed but didn't respond as we entered the kitchen. Mrs. Rylan had her husband listing off the many candles that he had tossed out. From the look on my mom's face, I could tell it was quite a bit. She looked weary of the conversation.

"Oh Leah! Please keep an eye on the pie. I just need to run to the restroom quickly." She gave me thankful eyes and bolted out of the kitchen leaving me in kitchen with bickering couple.

The doorbell rung once more. "I'll get it!" Happy for a way out of the kitchen.

"Hey, no fair!" Nate shouted after my departing figure. Sorry Nate, but those are your parents.

I headed to the front door, but already saw my mom standing there with the door open. "Oh my god, Charlotte!" She exclaimed in excitement a moment later.

"Mel!" Jace's mom greeted with the same excitement. They pulled each other into a tight hug. My own eyes widen at the sight. What the actual fuck?? That was not the reaction I was expecting. I was hoping to catch the parents off guard and fumble the secrets out of them. Well the joke is on me. "How have you been? It's been too long!"

"We have so much catching up to do! Oh gosh, come on in boys." My mom ushered Jace and his brother inside from cold. Sam had his eyes glued to the game console in his hands. Even Jace had the same wide eye expression I had. What the heck is going on?

"You guys know each other?" I asked cautiously as I approached the group.

"Of course we do." Mom said with a smile. "Charlotte and I went to college together. She was my roommate for all four years."

"It seems like you guys were close." I added looking between the two women. I've never heard of this in my entire life. The news was shocking to say the least.

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