1- Her birth and being fated

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"Who are you? Why am I here? Where's he?" She panicked as she looked around, finding no similar faces. She tried to hop out of the bed she was lying on but didn't know why.

"We'll tell you everything, but first calm down. We mean no harm to you." A lady in a magenta dress spoke softly. A loving aura enveloped her as the lady placed her palm on her head, instantly relaxing her.

"Where am I?" The girl asked—a second before she was at her apartment, and the next day she woke up in that foreign environment. She looked around the beautifully designed chamber, which was too big to call a room.

"Umm, in the fairy realm." The same lady answered as before. Everyone looked at her silently, as if observing her.

"What? Are we in a fantasy book or something? Don't divert the topic." The girl said it confidently, as she only read those things in fantasy books.

"It's real." The man in a brown jacket came from behind and said it out loud.

"Then it's not Earth, is it?" The girl said this as she looked at him with wide eyes. She was dumbfounded at how delusional the people around her were—or she thought so.

"You live in delusions or something? How are you breathing without an oxygen mask if we are not on Earth?" She stated she crossed her hands over her chest to provide a protective appearance during her argument. She was scientifically trying to prove her statement.

"Now, that's what happens—I told you before." The man shrugged and stepped back. The man standing opposite him, behind the girl, shot him a glare.

"You have lived on Earth for a significant time without knowing the truth. Now we'll show you your origin and birth." A white lion with a few strands of golden fur walked inside the chamber. Behind him was the boy she asked about, but her sole focus was on the lion.

"Eee!" She shrieked, jumping out of bed to hide behind a random man present in the room. She popped her head out from the side. "You know lions can't speak, right?" She asked the man without taking her eyes off the animal.

"But he can. As you can hear and see." He was surprised by her actions. After many observations, he didn't expect that response. "How? And aren't they carnivorous!?" Her pitch elevated upon realization.

"You're using me as bait to avoid him! By the way, he is an herbivore." The man answered as she continued to use him as a shield to protect herself.

"What did you mean by my origin and birth?" She inquired as she straightened herself, seeing that the boy was standing directly behind the lion but unharmed.

"Yes. Now, if you may, please cooperate." The lion said as he peered into her eyes, and the next second, she fainted. The story played in her mind like a descriptive movie, with dialogue and vivid scenes.

The story:-

"It was night, and the huge palace was tense. Every single person who worked there was breathing heavily and praying to God for the safety of their queen and her soon-to-be-born child.

The king was roaming impatiently outside the huge door of the queen's chamber. His head was down, and his eyes gazing at the entrance now and then. His forehead was drenched with sweat, and his breathing was irregular.

He stopped at the sound of a cry echoing in the palace. He took a deep breath and relaxed. Soon he opened the chamber's door and smiled after seeing his wife and the newborn child sleeping peacefully. Wait! He didn't know if the child was a girl or a boy. He quickly looked at the maid with raised eyebrows.
She quickly lowered her head and said, "Your Highness, it's a girl." She left right after saying that.

The entire castle and every house in the capital were illuminated with lamps, and everyone's heart was on fire with enthusiasm for their newly born princess.

It was morning, and the king and queen sat in the court, giving gifts to their subjects. Nobody was left behind without a gift. This was part of the princess's birthday celebrations.

"Now the king and queen will name the princess." The royal priest announced this, and immediately the crowd silenced.

After a few minutes, the king said, "I, Shorya, the king of White Realm, have decided, along with the queen, Anaya, to give the princess the name Isha."

The crowd cheered and celebrated, and the soldiers threw coins from the tower toward the subjects. Kids were collecting them and running here and there, laughing and playing.

The princess looked around with lovely doe eyes, trying to figure out what was happening. She was placed in a cradle, rocking back and forth.

Her hair was dark brown, and her eyes were the same. Her tinted skin was of a brown girl with curly hair. Her pink lips and small nose made her look like an angel. There was a mark on the back of her right hand. A triangle with a small circle inside it and a small slanting line crossing through the circle in it. That was a sign that his soulmate would also have it on the back of his right hand.

Hey readers!!

So this is my first book. And I'm really trying to make it not so boring for you guys to read the story plot.

And yeah, I'm editing the chapters to make them more sensible. I made a bunch of random thoughts together in them in the past so decided to improve them.

How is the story?? Did you like it? Do tell in the comments.

I know it's the first chapter but still. I'm curious.
Like they say, the first chapter = first impression.

Love all bye!! ❤️❤️

Thank you for reading!

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