Chapter Twenty-one

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Surprised at the sudden amount of brightness, I squint. Adjusting to the light, I glance around the room, trying to shut out the splitting pain in my head and recall what happened.

Sitting in the chair at the side of my bed is Mom. She's curled to one side, her eyes shut. Around the room, Jude, Logan, and Aiden sit in uncomfortable looking chairs. I want to say something, anything, but my throat is too dry. Jude glances up, meets my eyes and looks back at the magazine in his hands before doing a double take.

"Emma?" He says, throwing the magazine to the ground and bolting up. "Mom, she opened her eyes! She's awake"

Mom lifts her head, her eyes opening. "What?" She follows my brother's eyes to me, and seeing me, her eyes widen. "Emma, baby, you're awake! You're finally awake!" She leaps up, rushing to my side.

"Go get the doctor, Aiden," Mom says, without looking away from me. "Logan, go get your father and tell him, hurry!"

Mom wraps her fingers around my hand, squeezing it tightly. 

"Oh, baby girl. You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

I smile. "I...heard you...talking," I say, my words slurring a bit.

Tears run down my mom's cheek and she pushes back a strand of hair out of my eyes.

Behind her, I see a man in a white coat follow Logan back into the room. He smiles when he sees me, coming to stand at the foot of the bed. Two nurses follow him, and begin checking the monitors.

"Emma, I am Dr. Graham. How are you feeling?"

Everyone waits for my response.

"I've been better," I say, wincing. "My head...hurts. A lot."

Dr. Graham nods his head, his blue eyes glancing down at the chart in his hand. "Yes, that is normal. You have experienced major trauma to the brain. We'll going to do tests to see how much damage has been done."

A nurse stands beside the bed, hovering over me.

"What's your full name and birthday?"

"Emma Lee Jane Taylor," I say, wincing in pain as I speak each word. "April 3rd, 1996"

"Can you squeeze my hand for me?"

She wraps her hand under mine.

Without trouble, I squeeze it. She asks me to do the same with my left and everything is fine. My mom smiles.

"Alright," The nurse moves down to my legs. "Did you feel that?"

My heart drops. "Feel what?"

The nurse glances at Dr. Graham.

"Let's try your left foot," she moves her hand and I feel a tiny prick in my skin. "Did you feel that?" she asks.

I nod. "Yes, I felt it."

"Is something wrong?" Mom asks, sitting up straight.

Dr. Graham sighs, looking distraught. "Emma, unfortunately, it looks as if there is nerve damage to your right leg."

My mom gasps, and my brothers stare at my leg.

"What can you do to fix the damage?"

"Physical therapy, and if that does not help, possibly surgery," Dr. Graham says. "There also may be chance that it will be permanent."

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