Chapter 78: Master Jun Is Drunk

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Lisa had thought that these comments would come and scold her as usual, but she didn't expect that after clicking on a few, there would be people who praised her for her good acting as the Heavenly Spirit Princess. There were also people who praised her for her good acting. However, in the huge army of convicts, there were very few positive comments.

However, it was like the flames of the stars that adorned the vast night sky. Once the east wind blew, it would be like a fire that covered the entire world.

Lisa was very sorry that she had troubled Elder Zhong and the Qing University.

Flipping through the Weibo comments, Lisa saw a comment with very low reposts. From the tone of the post, it looked like it had been posted by Elder Zhong. Lisa clicked on the profile picture of the man in the lonely boat.

As expected, although he did not have many fans, his Weibo verified account said, "Qing University's Professor, the country's top economist, Zhong Wei."

When she was on the phone just now, Elder Zhong had repeatedly instructed Lisa to repost his clarification Weibo post. Hence, Lisa reposted Elder Zhong's post on her Weibo profile.

Lisa's Weibo, which was already boiling with excitement, once again blew up.

Because Lisa had always posted on Weibo either to flaunt her wealth or to take all sorts of selfies, everyone was already prepared to send "ugly", "tasteless", and "don't flaunt it, you do not look good".

However, when they took a closer look, they saw that Lisa had reposted a text message on Weibo @ Lone Boat Manchurian: 'Little friend Lisa was personally invited to attend the lecture at Qing University by me. I didn't know about the verification ticket, so I stopped little friend Xia outside. The management of Qing University is very standard. Thank you for everyone's supervision.'

The comment also posted a photo of the guest list for the lecture.

[ I'm dying of laughter. You even invited her to Qing University yourself. Who do you think you are? Why are you getting in through the back door so openly now? ]

[ She said that she could enter without a ticket just because he invited her personally. Isn't this a huge management loophole? ]

[ What the hell is this Lone Boatman bamboo hat? I'll photoshop a hundred of these guest names for you guys in minutes, okay? ]

[ From above, I advise you to click on the profile picture of that Lonely Boat Brawler and take a look at his certification before saying those words. ]

Some rational netizens clicked on the post that Lisa had reposted and came out on their knees. When they saw Xia Lisa's comments, their hearts turned cold. They then silently reminded everyone.

After being reminded by this person, everyone clicked on the name "The Lone Boat Brawler" and returned on their knees.

[ Erm, cough, the comments at the beginning have been deleted. I can't PP this kind of name list. Goodbye! ]

[ This backdoor is done very openly!!! Awesome! ]

[ I've thought of countless ways that Lisa had public relations, but I never expected that it would be done online by the chief economist with GWY's special allowance. ]

After seeing Zhong Wei's Weibo verification, those comments that were filled with doubts and ridicule were quietly deleted.

Those who arrived late only saw that the screen was filled with badass and had no idea what was going on.

With a face full of confusion, he clicked into Zhong Weibo's Weibo account with the nosy masses. Then, he followed the nosy masses out of Elder Zhong's Weibo and finally left an NB under Lisa's Weibo account with a look of admiration.

Although there were still some doubtful voices on Weibo, most people gave up on the idea after a heavyweight like Elder Zhong came out to clarify things.

Seeing how public opinion had changed so much in such a short period of time, Lisa felt emotional. It seemed that no matter how much time passed, strength was still very important.

If Lisa had posted the clarification herself today, probably no one would be willing to believe her no matter what she said. However, if it was Elder Zhong, who was rather influential in the domestic financial world, everyone would be very convinced.

Having been in the modern world for so long, Lisa had always been very indifferent. However, at this moment, she did indeed have some thoughts of fighting for power.

It was already dark and Haru had already finished school, but Jungkook had not returned for a long time. Haru complained that he was hungry, so Lisa and Haru ate first.

There was a small sports meet in kindergarten today. The little dumpling was extremely active and had been dancing and fooling around for the entire day. During the meal, he almost buried his chubby little face in his bowl.

After dinner, she got the nanny to bathe Haru, who fell asleep the moment he touched the bed.

Lisa used her hand to touch Haru's fair and tender little face. The baby's chubby cheeks twitched.

Lisa found it fun and pinched Haru's face twice more. In his sleep, Haru felt as if he was being touched by Doraemon, so he pouted and pushed Doraemon away.

There was a sudden commotion downstairs. Lisa let go of Haru's face and walked downstairs.

Seeing Lisa go downstairs, Uncle Wang waved his hand and dismissed the crowd.


"What's wrong? Is Jungkook back?" Lisa seemed to have heard the sound of a car outside.

"Young Master is back. It's just that Young Master drank some wine today. The chauffeur just reported that Young Master seemed to have fallen asleep in the car. The chauffeur called twice but did not wake him up."

Uncle Wang looked troubled. "The others didn't dare to wake Young Master up casually, but it's easy to catch a cold sleeping in the car, so I wanted to ask Madam to take a look."

"I'll go take a look."

With that, Lisa walked out the door. Outside the limousine, the chauffeur was waiting at the door. Seeing Lisa walk over, he hurriedly opened the door for her as if he had seen his savior.

Jungkook sat on the sofa in the car. Even though he had fallen asleep, he still looked very tidy. When they were close, Lisa could smell the strong smell of alcohol on Jungkook. It was not unpleasant, but it had a profound and mellow fragrance.

The dim yellow light in the car cast a warm glow on Jungkook's perfect facial features. With his eyes closed, Jungkook restrained his aura.

"Jungkook?" Lisa called out tentatively.

Seeing that Jungkook did not react, she sat beside him and shook his arm. "Jungkook, go back and sleep. Are you okay?"

Lisa was about to call out again when Jungkook suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, Lisa was only a step away from Jungkook. Lisa could clearly see the redness in Jungkook's deep eyes.

"Why did you drink so much?" Lisa was somewhat surprised.

Jungkook only stared intently at Lisa. After a while, as if he had finally reacted, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I drank a little too much because of something." Because he had drunk alcohol, Jungkook's voice was especially low and hoarse.

Seemingly a little drunk, Jungkook tugged at his tie. The cool wind outside the car window blew in, clearing his thoughts.

Jungkook turned around and was about to let Lisa in when he saw her come out in a silk nightgown. He frowned.

He removed his warm suit jacket and covered her with it before she could react.