But Klaus was amused at the dramatic turn this had taken. "Well," He says as he waves a wooden stake between Jenna and Stefan, "Who's it going to be, Elena?"

"No," She refutes strongly, tears stinging her eyes.

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice." And with that, the Mikaelson vamp speeds around Stefan and stakes him in the back. The younger vampire screams out in pain and crumbles to the ground in agony.

"No! Stefan! No!" The Gilbert girl shouts for him as Klaus rips the stake out, but not without leaving behind a sizable chunk of wood in Stefan's back.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend," Klaus informs the doppelgänger, still as calm as ever. "I want him alive. But for now ... " The Original then trails off and in one swift motion, snaps Stefan's neck, eliciting a sharp gasp from Elena.

Klaus would put up with no more interruptions. "Whenever you're ready, Greta."

The witch resumes chanting, and the ring of fire surrounding Jenna is the next to be dispelled.


Klaus' eyes land on Jenna. "Your turn."

"No, Jenna, no!" Elena cried out.

Jenna takes one last look at her niece, "It's alright, Elena. I know what I have to do."

A silence falls between the two before Jenna vamp speeds over to Greta and sinks her fangs into the witch's neck. Greta screams out in pain and falls to the ground. Klaus vamp speeds over to Jenna and stakes her in the lower back, pulling the new vampire off of the still-needed witch.

"Jenna, no," Elena sobs as Jenna falls to the ground. "Just turn it off. Jenna. Turn it off. You won't be scared anymore."

To think that Klaus was going to grant her the mercy of a quick, painless death. He had attempted to kill his witch, to stop this curse from being broken. Now, he was going to draw it out for a bit longer both as a punishment and for the sadistic pleasure he got knowing that the Gilbert girl would be watching it all.

Klaus flips Jenna onto her back and hunches over her, watching her for a brief moment before staking her right in the heart.

"No! Jenna! No! Jenna!" Elena screams, watching her aunt's body become gray and decayed as one of the few family members she has left dies in front of her eyes. Klaus releases his grip on the grip on the stake and stands up, leaving Jenna's lifeless body laying on the stone with a stake through her heart.

Two down; one more to go.

Klaus stays at Greta's side, the witch chanting the last and final part of the spell. He watches intently as she pours Jenna's blood into the ceremonial bowl. Within moments, he would be free of the curse that he's been stuck with for a thousand years. Still, there was one thing left to do first.

The soon-to-be hybrid approaches the Petrova doppelgänger, "It's time."

The circle of fire surrounding Elena disappears and Klaus extends his hand towards her. She gets up from the ground and walks past him, ignoring him as she makes her way to the altar. Klaus follows her up the altar, finding her staring at her aunt's body. So, he grabs Elena's face in his hand, turning it so that she looks at him.

"Thank you, Elena."

"Go to hell," She spits harshly.

And with that, Klaus sinks his fangs into Elena's neck and begins to drain her of her blood while a hopeless Stefan watches on. Klaus' grip on Elena tightens as he makes sure to drink every last drop of her blood, more veins sprouting from his eyes. And he seemed to have done so when Elena's eyelids fluttered before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Klaus releases the now dead Elena, paying no attention to her as her lifeless body falls to the ground.

"I can feel it. It's happening," Klaus says triumphantly, feeling the power coursing through his veins as the flame in the bowl went out on its own. 

Klaus breathes heavily and walks down the stone steps, riding an all-time high. He had done it. He had broken the curse that was plaguing him over a thousand years. He had set his dormant werewolf side free and was finally a hybrid. Now, he was capable of siring his own bloodline and building a new race of hybrids just like him. He created the New Order. 

As Klaus turns to look up at the moon, three drops of blood fall from his mouth onto the forest floor.

He united the Sun and the Moon.

All the sounds around him had drowned out by the sound of a slow and steady heartbeat. A forgotten yet familiar sweet scent of blood filled his nose. He could feel his own heart rate increase in speed, his eyes glowing a deeper color of gold. All of his newfound enhanced senses culminated in a pull, an instinctual, intrinsic urge from deep within Klaus that was pulling him in a distant direction.

All because for the first time in fifteen years, Aurelia Piper opened her eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *

,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — thalia's thoughts !

welcome to official beginning
of the series. so, strap yourselves
in because we have a lot of
ground to cover. 

man klaus did not give a single
fuck here and idk why elena
thought he would. like he either
gets to save a bunch of people
who don't mean anything to
him (other than being a means
to an end) or gets to break a curse
that's been holding him back for
a millennium, become a werewolf
-vampire hybrid, and get potential wifey
back? oh, it's no fucks given all day,
every day. he came, he saw and he
conquered. and i love that for him. 

rant below:
klaus and his s2 storyline
are literally unmatched. the
gave him the katherine
treatment from s1 by hyping
him up all season as the big
bad that terrifies everyone,
including katherine, and he
delivers on the payoff way

they establish from the get-go
that there is no such thing as
beating him. you can't take him in
a 1v1 fight because he'll end you
in 10 seconds without so much as
breaking a sweat. but you also can't
outsmart him. and these two things 
combined means that there is no such
thing as beating klaus. 

he has a plan, a goal he's been
striving toward for over a thousand
years. he has anticipated every hurdle
that could possibly come his way. and
because of this, we get my favorite part
about his s2 storyline (and s2 in general)
is that he wins. everything from the time
he's first mentioned is about trying to find
a way to stop him. and you almost expect,
given type of show this is, for the heroes to
find some way to save the day. but they
don't. by the end, klaus remains
undefeated, executing his plan
just as he intended to become more
invincible than he already was and every
person he intended to kill, including some
of the main characters, are dead. and i 
loved every second of it. 

(will say that i didn't like that
the writers officially introduced
his character by possessing alaric's
body because joseph morgan >>>
m*tthew d*vis, especially when it
comes to portraying klaus that they
should've just let joseph do his thing
from the beginning. seriously, joseph
is far too good in this role and anyone
else portraying this character (ie:
m*tthew & michael trevino in s3) seems
like a cheap knockoff that doesn't
even come close.) 

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ☆  n. mikaelson [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ