What You Do Together

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Whether you're alone or with friends


Watching TV in his room
He likes getting his way but he doesn't mind letting you choose

You both basically talk to the TV like- watching drama or a horror movie
"Oh come on! Bobby was obviously the better choice it just makes sense he's a sweet guy and he bakes! What the hell does Gary have that Bobby doesn't?!"
And that's a conversation the TV will not engage with

Cuddling even tho he has no pants he is a switch

Pulling you into his lap or making out mostly to annoy the other ghosts especially to make them leave when you guys want the TV


Another guy that pulls you into his lap
He likes to hold you close and will stay like that with no care for whatever's happening around you

Walking around inside the house or outside talking about how different your days were comparing things from then to now

Always has a hand on you for no other reason than the need to protect you

Fun fact: he likes when you sing to him- even if you can't sing and he doesn't mind singing to you


I feel like he likes being touched more than he likes to touch like- you clinging to him but he's just there

Probably talks about the drama around the house and pulling pranks not caring how much worse it may make things

Lean on him and he'll melt into you but he gets s o irritated when someone comes along and makes a comment


Having Sam put on some music to dance weirdly to like- no specific dance just throwing you arms and body everywhere

Chasing random lizards, butterflies or whatever tiny thing went by you a second ago
Might even have Sam blow bubbles for y'all to catch but can't pop maybe she'll have Jay do it instead

Playing hide and seek but she forgets why she's hiding or what she's looking for so instead you change it to tag


Talking about the past and how it's lucky you died in the same place to find each other and other positive optimistic things

Watching TV mostly whatever the others are watching but at least you're watching TV and together

Definitely holding hands all the time and I'm sure everyone's sick of it he may apologize and let go but you don't let him and grab his hand again dragging him away from those who said something about it

You're his back bone and he's your optimism and together you dry each other's tears and make each other feel loved

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