Dating Trevor

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He acts like he's this rich self important playboy that can have anything and anyone he wants but you (and Sasappis) know that's just a facade

He's actually super sweet and loving I believe he'd do anything for you

If you were both still alive you probably wouldn't know each other

If you did know each other you would probably avoid him and his jerk friends

So maybe you two dying in the same house separately was a good thing cause now you know who the real Trevor is and you couldn't be happier

Holding hands, hugs, kisses everything that involves showing everyone he loves you is a must and a thing he does all day for centuries

He would talk about you a l l the time and sometimes it would get annoying to your friends and there is a chance one or two would try breaking you up probably trying to set you up with one of the other ghosts

Too bad for them cause Trevor is way too attached and will never let go of the love he finally found

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