Married Before and After Death

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When you were alive it seemed like he was two different people

You avoided being around him afraid of being insulted or harassed by his friends and he did nothing about it but laugh and joke with them

When it was just the two of you he was sweet, loving, and romantic
It could be the smallest little gesture but it was always enough to make you love him even more

When you died (after he did) after being poisoned by his said friends for witnessing his overdose sitting you down and giving you a drink like it was something to help you calm down the two of you were reunited the same day and had no idea wtf just happened

Somehow the two of you got closer after death he was more open with his feelings and wasn't afraid of being uncool and his new friends (the other ghosts) were a lot nicer and more respectful than his old ones and he never forgets to tell you he loves you


Before you were married you were betrothed and basically sold to him by your father
At first you didn't like the idea of being married to this guy you never met but soon after meeting him you fell in love

While you two were alive
(before you get separated) he was a sweet man and would always find things and brought them back to you and sometimes the things he brought you were weird like- a leaf or something that was in a neat little shape or a funny color or a rock but you loved them so much you had a special place you would keep em

After you both died-
You died w a y before him from a sickness and when he happened to die where you did he became glued to your side like before but even more

He lost you once he doesn't want that to happen again
Now expect random surprise hugs, kisses, and I love you's


The two of you were basically married- idk how that works in his culture

Anywho- before you died you were basically his emotional support partner
He always talked about his feelings with you while his head is on your shoulder, chest, or lap
You would always listen and he would do the same for you

You were the most in love couple known to the tribe
His father a d o r e s you like you were his own

After him- you died a couple of years later reuniting with him
The first thing he did was stare, slowly walked up to you, and held you're face in his hands like he couldn't believe you were there
Then hugs s o tight as if you would've disappeared the second he let go

He's still the same man you fell in love with and he felt the same about you


Technically you weren't legally married b u t you did have a wedding in the hippie cult
I'm pretty sure being with Flower meant a l o t of threesomes and other somes but your hearts belonged to each other

You died after her by like- a few years
After death she always seemed high which is what she was when she died but it was fun watching her run around, talking nonsense, and just being flat out adorable

No more threesomes cause the only one who was willing was Trevor- and Thorfinn a couple of times


You basically married the sweetest man in existence
He was always willing to listen and offer solutions
You never had a real fight cause he was good at mostly staying calm and talking things out
And with the way he acts he might as well be a male wife which is the cutest thing in my opinion and always put you first whether you like it or not

You died before him
He remarried and had a daughter years later which you were jealous of but definitely not mad about cause you could see how much he missed you

He didn't know that most of the time you were there with him until he died and y'all started talking m a n was he flustered

He's more or less the same male wife you married years ago
Tho technically he moved on you were still his partner even after death and you couldn't be happier
He even introduces you as his partner

(Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this one I'm so proud of this specific chapter-)

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